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Denver tries to Legalise Small amounts of Pot


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"People will flock to Denver to use marijuana" - I hope so, then let them all get arrested. Buying and smoking are still illegal, even if posession isnt.


The thing that confuses the hell out of me, people want marijuana legalized, but yet every other day theres another push at cigarettes. "Oh I dont want to smell like cigarettes when I leave a bar, but I'd love to reek of weed when I leave and get into my car."


The only way I would vote to legalize marijuana, is if it was only allowed in private areas, and if there was drug testing for welfare/workers comp claims/insurance claims/unemployment and whatever other possible institutions could have the chance of taking more money out of my paycheck for some dumbasses activities. Most employers will still not want someone to toke up, so if you cant get a job because thats what you want to do, not society's obligation to care for you anymore.

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Guest fixerupper
They gave them the option, and the people have spoken. So I say just give it to them. I personally don't like drug use, but hey it's just like drinking prohibition, why should they have a say in what a person ingests?
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A dime a day keeps the Dr. Away


If they legalize weed and start selling it in stores I'm still going to buy it from people I know off the streets. You know the stores will be selling some dirt.


What would be funny is conversations like this.


"Whats up bro."


"I heard Kroger on West Broad had that fire."

"Nah, nah Sunoco on main got some KILLER."

"Bro, Meijer on brice gots some Hydro $20 a blunt."




Dude I herd that walmart got some fucking dro choker !!!! ya know sexy mexy ( hahahahaa)


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