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Friend got killed the other night (shot). And a message to you all.


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Ya know, usually I don't get on here and make posts like this to get everyone's attention. But I can't help it and can't believe it happened like this. Just unreal. This is a guy I grew up with since 1st grade and played football with since 7th grade until we graduated. Nicest guy, that would do anything for anyone. We recently started lifting again together just a couple weeks ago (he was a pretty big guy eventhough he was 5'6"). Anyway, then link below doesn't tell the whole story. Basically AJ lived in an apartment above this guy in the complex. Him and AJ had words a few months ago because he said AJ "walked too heavy" and listened to his tv too loud. Which I don't think was the case either way. So he and another friend were outside cleaning his car listening to music and this guy comes out of his apartment and tells them to shut it off. AJ tells him no, to leave him alone and go back inside. So the guy goes inside, gets a revolver and walks up to the back of him and shots AJ in the back of the head while he was cleaning the bottom of his dash with no warning. AJ's friend then runs from the car as the guy shoot's him in the arm while unloading the gun. Then the guy goes back inside and gets a rifle out and starts shooting at AJ's friend again (missing). Goes back inside to change his shirt because of the blood, then comes out to cops waiting for him. Neighbor called it in. I'm still in shock right now, and have no words to describe what's happened.

AJ did do one thing though, and that's bring me and about 7 friends back together after not really talking/hanging out since we've graduated in '01. So if you've ever thought about calling a friend that you haven't talked to or seen in awhile, I suggest you do it. The person on the other end will be glad you did and even more so when you go and hang out again. If you don't call them, something similar to AJ's situation may happen and your always going to question the decision you made to not call them. Just a thought.

Here's the link: http://www.nbc4i.com/news/5250653/detail.html

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jesus..... some people... I understand about hom being upset that the music was too loud.... heck, I can even understand about walking up to the dude and punching him because he's angry.... but shooting him.... it just amazes me at how quick people are to pick up a gun... I think they think it's a game and don't really think about the lives that they just destroyed.
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RIP. I heard about this. He was a youth pastor right?


It hits pretty close to home. I live on the 3rd floor and our downstairs neighbors constantly complained that we were so loud that we woke up their newborn baby and made all kinds of ruckus. They even called the cops one night saying we were partying to loud. When the cops got there they had to knock really loud....cause I was in bed. Had been for a few hours. What they had heard was the ppl across the hall and assumed it was me. I worry about my wife being there alone.I can't wait to get a house. Pppl don't realize theat when you live inbetween 2-5 other apt's that you're going to hear things. It happens. Its a part of life. Nothing worth getting violent over.

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that sux man sorry to hear it.


strangly enough im having probs with my new resident below me he moved in last weds and friday complained about my dog barking then saturday he was beating on the ceiling because my son was walking around and he didnt like it, Like a Jack ass I went down and confronted him about it.. man that could have gotten ugly

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I met a guy yesterday that was friends with AJ. I wa sover at my friend Jay's house and his mom is dating a guy names Lenny or somthing like that? He is a black guys, and somehow got on the subject of you never know what people are going to do. He is a musician. he also said there was somthing like 400 peopel at the funeral, wondering if you knew him? thought that was kinda interesting.
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Little update since the funeral:

Yeah he was a youth minister at his church.

Ben, Lenny doesn't ring a bell. His family is huge, so it's hard to say. Yeah there was easily 400+ at the funeral, man was it tough. Especially when you see old F-ball coaches there crying. His cousin Marvin was our DB coach at Heights, me and him were pretty close so seeing him there didn't make it easier.

Get this, he shot him over GOSPEL music! Then after getting unloaded on, AJ's friend came back to check on him and that's when the guy came back out with a shotgun and started shooting again. Marvin and family talked in person with the Antonio guys' parents and the uncle was like "That's what he gets for fucking around." Un-fucking real. Crazy thing is, is that AJ (sadly) has ALOT of family and family friends already in jail for life and the jail "ring" as Marvin said already knows about the situation. Word is, this guy won't live much longer than a year no matter what jail he gets sent to. Because they have people in all of them. Exact words from AJ's cousin who's doing life, "Our ring will hump him till he dies." Guy is getting what's been coming to him for shooting AJ. Still doesn't change anything, but it's nice to know.

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