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three old men


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There were three old men sittin on a porch talking about what is the worst thing to them.


The 60 year old man said that he could not piss, and he would stand there over the pot for 20 minutes holding it and trying to squeeze it out, but nothing would ever come out....now that is the worst.


the two other men would look at each other and shake their head.


The 70 year old man said that the worst thing is that he couldnt take a shit....he would grit his teeth and pull on the towel rack on the wall trying anything he could and doing whatever it takes to take a poo. But no, nothing ever happened. That is way worse than not being able to piss.


The other two, would give him nasty gestures, as if they were disgusted.


The 80 year old man said that is nothing. Listen to my problem. Every day, i take a piss at 7:30, and go number 2 every single day at 8:30. Never any different.


"So let me get this straight, you take a piss at 7:30 and a crap at 8:30 every morning?" the 70 year old man asked.


80 year old man replied, "yes!"


The other two men asked him, what is soo bad about that?


Well, the 80 year old man saying, i usually dont get up til 9!

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