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Call of Duty 2 for the PC


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Anyone else disappointed by the distinctly console flavor this series has now taken on with COD2?




You can no longer switch weapons with the mouse scroll wheel. Standard in EVERY first person shooter on the PC made in the last 10 years. I guess they would have had to spend an extra 2 hours of time to enable this.


The stance up button and jump commands are not the same. If you use the right mouse to jump, that will take you out of crouching or crawling, to standing all the way up. In COD 1, if you clicked you're jump button, the you would jump if standing or raise up one level (ie, crawl to crouch, crouch to standing).


The killer to me - no health packs. You have no health, instead you can take a certain number of hits quickly and you die. To recover, all you have to do is stop getting shot by ducking into cover, etc. WTF?!?


I'm playing it on the second hardest level and it isn't any more difficult than the first one on a medium level.


The graphics don't 'feel' any better than the first game although control is quick.


It's the little things like this that irritate me and make what could have been another great game into an also-ran. If I wanted to play on a console I would have gotten it for the console. I'm almost as disappointed in this game as I was in 'Doom 3' (what a turkey).


If you're looking for a good FPS for the PC, this is not it. I surely wouldn't pay $50 for it. It's probably ok for a console, if you can handle the controls.


Good thing I downloaded it to try it out before I bought it.

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You can no longer switch weapons with the mouse scroll wheel. Standard in EVERY first person shooter on the PC made in the last 10 years. I guess they would have had to spend an extra 2 hours of time to enable this.


are you retarded... do you know how to change the buttons in the options?


The stance up button and jump commands are not the same. If you use the right mouse to jump, that will take you out of crouching or crawling, to standing all the way up. In COD 1, if you clicked you're jump button, the you would jump if standing or raise up one level (ie, crawl to crouch, crouch to standing).


again, you gotta actually read the options menu to read what each binding does. there's a bind to TOGGLE crouch and a button to CROUCH... one doesn't make you stay crouched when you press it, the other toggles it.


The killer to me - no health packs. You have no health, instead you can take a certain number of hits quickly and you die. To recover, all you have to do is stop getting shot by ducking into cover, etc. WTF?!?


I'm playing it on the second hardest level and it isn't any more difficult than the first one on a medium level.


no health packs? try playing multiplayer... noob


The graphics don't 'feel' any better than the first game although control is quick.


It's the little things like this that irritate me and make what could have been another great game into an also-ran. If I wanted to play on a console I would have gotten it for the console. I'm almost as disappointed in this game as I was in 'Doom 3' (what a turkey).


If you're looking for a good FPS for the PC, this is not it. I surely wouldn't pay $50 for it. It's probably ok for a console, if you can handle the controls.


lol, what the hell are you talking about? the graphics are amazing compared to the first COD. hell, I would say the graphics and detail of the game beats out 90% of the games right now. Maybe you should stick to console games, your judgement of COD2 as a FPS for PC is just about retarded. Infact maybe you should stick to console games, YOU could actually handle the controls better than PC.


I took a picture from my OWN pc to show everyone what the detail of the game looks like.


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Are you on crack? Learn how to set your controls, you CAN toggle your weapons w/ the wheel mouse. The prone/crouch/stand up thing.. if you wanna be prone, your prone, if you wanna stand up, your up, if you wanna crouch, press crouch, who cares, just press the designated button like most other games are. The health thing i agree with, makes it too easy and kinda boring.


The graphics! Your insane to say they don't "feel" better, they kick ass.


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