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Near Death Experiences


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Who's had em on the bike?, tell us what happened......

yesterday 3 people in a row ran red lights at high speed when I was in the turn lane and had the right of way, If I had not had a keen eye, they would have pulverized me! Last week I almost hit a deer that jumped across the road (night ride home from work)! and not too long ago some crazy old man merge right into my lane with NO TURN SIGNALS and DIDNT EVEN LOOK OVER to see I was obviously already in the lane!!!! He almost killed me as well!

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On my bike a few years ago I was daydreaming all by myself in Waynesville heading towards a stop sign on US42. I didn't wake up at all until the very last minute. It was like something inside of me triggered and made me come back to reality. Well, luckily I skidded to a stop and as I did within 10 feet from me a car went by at 55-65mph! There was no car in front or behind it! I thought...are you fucking kidding me!? If I would've got caught slipping and went through that sign it would've been just the exact time that the only car on it was going to be going past that intersection.:nono: It freaked me out bad. It was like I was suppose to die that day but something kept me from dying. 1 second later or sooner I wouldn't have gotten killed if I did run the stop sign. Ever since then I'm much more alert when riding by myself and I haven't day dreamed on the bike since then.

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yep i jsut got back from ridding like 20 minutes ago and in the hour and a half that i was out i saw 3 deer, all three less than 50 yards from the road. on three different occasions might i add.

but i have no near death experiences yet, now i am going to find some wood to knock on.

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coming out of the nutter center when I had an 01 zx6r aka dustin's bike. I goose the throttle a bit much and hit some gravel. the back end slid out quite a bit and I went itno oncoming traffic around a car and then back into my lane. I pulled over at the next stop sign a sat for about 10min making sure I didn't shat myself. I've been trying to be much smarter with my new 05 zx6r so I don't wreck myself.

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the VERY FIRST DAY i rode my bike...

come out of the little 90 degree turn near my house twist the throttle and back end backs around like im powersliding only less cooler somehow i keep the throttle on (which i know now is what i was supposed to do). anyways for some newb reason i went WOT right after that and did a good shit my pants wheelie over a stomach dropper hill.

it was pretty much the bike saying "respect me bitch"

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hmmm... no bike "near deaths" yet minus being nearly ran off the road by some jack-ass who didn't check his mirror while I was trying to pass him when he was going 20 in a 35 (first sign of a bad driver). But, I have been in 6 car accidents and a go-cart roll-over... I wasn't driving for any of them! Some of them where pretty stellar too, the one I got rearended by a sherriff.

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i was on the way home from the farm one time and was running like 90 like a fool and two deer walked out and i split them. one on the left and one on the right. scared the shit out of me


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Yeah here's one for ya. Just the other week I was heading down 603 towards Mohican/Malabar Farm. A little after I had turned onto the road, a beagle pup ran out in front of me. I slammed on the brakes and brought up the rear then proceeded to swerve around it. Not even one mile later, I pass a house and right at the woods line, a f00king vulture comes out of a tree and couldn't seem to flap it's wings enough to keep it's fat arse up and sunk down right level with my head. I about pissed myself and slammed on the brakes and I don't think I could have tucked my body anymore into the bike. lol Luckily I missed it, but the thought of that big-ass bird meeting my head @ 70mph (yes, of course I had a helmet on) was not pleasant to say the least.

The beagle pup didn't even phase me, but that bird kinda shook me a bit after. lol ...would have been one hell of a way to go out though! :p

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I hit a bat last week coming home from the racetrack on Rt. 20 -- square between what would've been my eyes, luckily the visor was down. I thought it was a moth and tracked it into my visor. Not a near death experience, but definitely jarred my head pretty good - reminded me of football. Hardest I've ever hit something with my bike helmet. Like a "WTF WAS THAT!" moment. I can't imagine a vulture - those things are massive.

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...rearended by a sheriff...

someone I know saw a cop run a red light, and plow right into a telephone pole! and when he cruzied up beside him to see if the cop was ok, the cop shrugged his shoulders, LOL!

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September, 2001. High speed crash on my dirt bike in Silverlake, MI sand dunes resulting in the footpeg impaling my side, ripping several inches of my large intestine outside of my body.

There was no blood and it really didn't hurt, which at the time meant to me that it wasn't really that serious.

This was 10 days after 9/11 so there was no life flights being flown. It took them 45 minutes to get me out of the dunes and then anouther 45 minute ambulance ride to get to a hospital that could deal ith this type of trauma.

I woke up in ICU a few days later with all kinds of tubes and wires sticking out of me and not to mention a colostomy bag. At this point I realized it as serious..

The Doctors said that there was no blood because the footpeg completely missed all ateries. Had it been even a few millimeters over in pretty much any direction, I would have bled to death because of the amount of time it took to get me to a hospital.

Not sure if that was really the type of response you were looking for, but that is definitely a near death experience!

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Yeah I know that now. I remember thinking at the time, as I was laying in the sand with my intestines on the outside of stomach, that it was gonna be a long ride home the next day with four of us packed in an extended cab F150... Like I said, there was no blood and very little pain, so I was just thinking they would shove 'em back in there and stitch me up! :dunno:

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3x in the last month, I've had a set of 2 baby and 1 Mamma Racoon walk out in front of me on the way to work at night (3 seperate places on same road). First time was in a corner going about 35 and I split them by an act of god. Second time I evaded left and the third time I split them almost creaming the baby at about 65. I've since slowed down on this road till I get to 33! But for full terror, best was a car merging into my lane with a garbage truck on the left. Slamed on the brakes and went back. Was some girl yacking on her cell phone /sigh!

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I'm racking up the close calls every day on 71. I am completely amazed at how these "drivers" will cross over all 3 lanes into the left with a phone jammed in their ear. I expect it now at all on ramps and plan for it. Nothing like looking just ahead and to your right to see some fool taking over your lane. Any close call is a near death one on a bike!!

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Tank slapper at about 90 MPH on Rt 2. Asshole in front of me brake checked me. I was going over a REAL rough patch of the highway, and at the time my suspension wasn't adjusted. The stabilizer said "Fuck this. You're on your own"

I took my feet of the pegs, pressed forward on the bars with my hands and proceeded to kiss my ass goodbye. How I regained control..I still don't know. I went back to Quaker and said a few prayers.

Later in the year (last year) I was rear ended by a teenager on a cell phone. I wasn't going fast at all, but I never saw it coming and did a high side. I landed head first. Still dealing with the pain from that to this day.

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June 28th 2001 accelerated to 45 then began slowing down for stop light up ahead (2 lane road right lane goes straight and left turns). Left lane is backed up about 20 cars deep and I am just tooling up to the stop light. Then from between cars I see a gold minivan nose popping out about 30 ft up. So I brake and lean right, just as I get to about mid lane I make contact on the front wheel of the van and over I go. Stayed concious through flight and landing just on the other side of the van. Earned a trip to the ER and some Physical therapy for my hip which I used to dent the gas tank.

August 21st 2006 Morning ride to work after a good weekend of racing at Nelson Ledges. 4 lane road with entrance rame turn lanes. I was heading South and the entrance ramp turn lane for this direction is backed up about 1/4 mile. I am in right lane behind a car who is turning right on to entrance ramp following about 5-6 car lengths back. As car begins to turn right I start to roll on gas to go on through green light. Then all I see is a white hood and that is all I remember from that one. Estimated 30 feet distance in the air and actually got a Air Care ride to ER.

One other crash on street lowside into a left hand corner about 45-50 mph, but nice soft skid area and no body damage, just $3k to the bike.

Multiple track crashes.

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I hit a bat last week coming home from the racetrack on Rt. 20 -- square between what would've been my eyes, luckily the visor was down. I thought it was a moth and tracked it into my visor. Not a near death experience, but definitely jarred my head pretty good - reminded me of football. Hardest I've ever hit something with my bike helmet. Like a "WTF WAS THAT!" moment. I can't imagine a vulture - those things are massive.

LOL!! DAMN!!! When it hit did you scream in your helmet?!?! LOL WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!? HOLY SHIT!!!

Sorry, i can just imagine how I would have been.

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I was riding home from town, hit the s curves with my sidestand down (oversight)...

right turn went great, and as i leaned into the left, the bike bounced off the stand and propped me up straight again...

there was a telephone pole, and a guywire/ground wire attached to it, and I flew straight between them when my bike ejected me...

2 inches left or right, and i'd be a foot shorter...(either sliced in half, or smashed into the pole)

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I'm racking up the close calls every day on 71. I am completely amazed at how these "drivers" will cross over all 3 lanes into the left with a phone jammed in their ear. I expect it now at all on ramps and plan for it. Nothing like looking just ahead and to your right to see some fool taking over your lane. Any close call is a near death one on a bike!!


Expect every driver to do the stupidest thing they could possibly do, you'll rarely be disappointed...

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