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Near Death Experiences


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LOL!! DAMN!!! When it hit did you scream in your helmet?!?! LOL WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?!? HOLY SHIT!!!

Sorry, i can just imagine how I would have been.

It was a WTF moment for about 30 seconds after it happened. I'm sitting there tracking it in, thinking "Great, more bug guts I have to clean off my visor :rolleyes:" I would've never expected a bat flying that low. Instead of a few oz. moth, I get rocked by this fluffball @ 75mph - again not expecting to have to absorb ANY impact from a moth, it bounced my head back (kind of like you see on AFV when the little kids get hit in the head with those giant inflatable balls). I'm sure if someone would've been riding next to me - they would've been laughing their asses off - I was too after the initial shock wore off.

Made me really glad to have a fullface with the visor down, and I'm pretty amazed that the visor didn't split or crack. I think it would've been a near-death experience if that thing would've hit my face and got stuck inside the face shield opening.:eek:


And after reading a lot of the other posts on here -- I need to watch my mirrors more often. Damn inattentive drivers - assuming I'm able to get back on my feet, if I got rear-ended for some reason as foolish as lack of attention, I might lose my temper.

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It was a WTF moment for about 30 seconds after it happened. I'm sitting there tracking it in, thinking "Great, more bug guts I have to clean off my visor :rolleyes:" I would've never expected a bat flying that low. Instead of a few oz. moth, I get rocked by this fluffball @ 75mph - again not expecting to have to absorb ANY impact from a moth, it bounced my head back (kind of like you see on AFV when the little kids get hit in the head with those giant inflatable balls). I'm sure if someone would've been riding next to me - they would've been laughing their asses off - I was too after the initial shock wore off.

Made me really glad to have a fullface with the visor down. I think it would've been a near-death experience if that thing would've hit my face and got stuck inside the face shield opening.:eek:


And after reading a lot of the other posts on here -- I need to watch my mirrors more often. Damn inattentive drivers - assuming I'm able to get back on my feet, if I got rear-ended for some reason as foolish as lack of attention, I might lose my temper.

As far as mirror goes, I got rear ended in the middle of a right turn. You can't do anything about that . You can't watch your mirrors while you're leaning into a turn. I can see checking the mirrors out while you are in a straight line or at a stop..but turning...diff story.

Damn man..I used to work in the UP of Michigan at a big resort. Security. THOUSANDS of BATS!!! i would HATE to have one hit me in the lid..let alone get stuck inside!!!! Hells naw!! LOL Glad you made it through OK.

It's bad enough when a rock hits me in the knee or a bug hits me in the throat!

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But for full terror, best was a car merging into my lane with a garbage truck on the left. Slamed on the brakes and went back. Was some girl yacking on her cell phone /sigh!

That reminds me, I want to get one of these for my tank bag in case some asshat tries to merge with me while yakking on the phone, I can call them an asshat, and they'll hear me...


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june 23, 2007:

riding in coshocton on 79 and missed a right hander around 70mph...crashed into a ditch and woke up to the sound of cartoon birdies. ambulance ride to the ER + helicopter ride to OSU trauma + 1 night stay in the hospital. final tally was concussion, bruised spleen, bruised liver, bruised kidneys, and a pneumothorax.

it kept me from riding the rest of that season and my bike was totalled

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I got another one, I was riding home from work (dark about midnight), I take my left hand off the bar cause I had an itch, then a fraction of second later, I nailed something HUGE, like a large fox or wolf or something! My front end came about 2 feet off the ground (mind you I have one hand on the bars!) then comes back down,.. whatever I hit was running FAST, I felt my steering stabilizer absorb the massive blow, which would have thrown my bars completely cocked, or given me a wicked tank slap! luckily the steering stabilizer saved my ass!

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