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*OC Spray*: NEVER resist arrest


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Worth the long read…..


So last night was my last class at the academy... and of course, it was OC Spray day. After seeing the first person get spray, we all knew it was going to suck. Being sprayed was by far _THE WORSE_ experience I’ve had to deal with in my entire life.


Heres how I can describe it..



Spray hits your face.. not bad for the initial 2-3 seconds.



Open your eyes, WHAM, they slam shut hard they’re on fire so much you literally can not feel the region around your eyes.



By this time you’ve inhaled some of the fumes and actual liquid, you being gasping for air and think your going to pass out. Some of the cadets hyperventilated and nearly passed out because they couldn’t control their breathing.



You think the water helps, hah, you cant immediately wash the OC off your face, so you suffer and learn to live with the pain of your burning eyes and face. The water only make it worse, it simply re-activates the OC. Rubbing makes the feeling 10x worse too. A couple people learned really quick that they couldn’t keep wetting their faces and wiping with dry rags.



Me and the class cadets were in bad shape for a couple hrs, and by then we could at least see enough to walk around and not have to worry about bumping into anything. Oh by the way, my eyes and face were still on fire.



After the 3hr class period we were functional enough to drive home. I Drove to Krogers to get some baby shampoo. Chief told us it would help remove the OC from our face and pours. And of course, washing my face twice at home re-activated the OC and I suffered yet AGAIN. Woke up this morning and showered and, you guessed it, burned again. Its now 15hrs since I was sprayed, and my face resembles that of a zombie. My eyes are puffy and red, and still teary, but my face isn’t on fire anymore! My skin is simply irritated from chemical.



I helped 6 cadets before getting hit myself, and the affects of just inhaling it are very similar to that of being directly sprayed.



Word of advice to all CR members.


1.) Never resist arrest – you could be sprayed


2.) If in a bar fight and you see the police coming in – they’re going to spray OC in the air, get your ass out hah


3.) If you ever get to the point of being involved in a situation and the officer pulls out his spray just comply with his orders, trust me, you don’t want sprayed with this stuff.



Here what I was hit with….. 2nd hottest spray on the market




http://www.shomer-tec.com/images/site_images/foc2_med.jpgThe FOX "FIVE Point THREE" O.C. spray will fill the most stringent requirements of any law enforcement agency. It's 5.3 million SHU strength provides astonishing stopping power. Its unique non-flammable 2% O.C. formula also offers the additional benefits to law enforcement of reducing liability when using aerosol defense spray as part of the force continuum by reducing recovery time. This is accomplished by lowering the percentage of hard-matter (pepper particles) within the formula without sacrificing its potent stopping power. Its 5.3 million SHU power is accomplished by using oleoresin capsicum so highly refined that it's a clear red liquid. Its delivery system is a heavy stream, with a range of 12 to 15 feet. The canister is equiped with a spring-loaded "flip-top", which greatly reduces the chance of an accidental discharge. Available in two sizes: 2 oz. net contents (4" canister) and 4 oz. net contents ( 5.75" canister). Pouches are available - see p. 20. Consult local laws before ordering. Not shippable by Air.


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My dad's a deputy as a child I've been shown pressure points and many other cool stuff from him. One day he wanted to show me his spray so he sprayed it at the fence and told me to go smell it well when he sprayed it the wind cared enough over screw me all up.




Even though alot of us speed . ( i know i do) sometimes we seem to get pissed when we get caught. Its IMHO the price you pay to play the game. Think about all the times you did not get caught. Personaly I always get busted speeding when im not meaning to. Passport 8500 90% of that though.

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OC is safe.. its active ingredient is pepper. Its oily and doesnt wash off easy in water, and is seriously the hottest stuff on the planet. It has short term effects only and doesnt hurt breathing functions of people.


CS gas can cause permanent blindness and is much more toxic than OC spray. CS is a tear gas and skin irratant

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Got hosed with that stuff at riot training, that was redicoulous. I could taste the pepper for 2 days from what was abosorbed by my skin. Cs sucks as well, but at least it airs out quickly and isnt absorbed through the skin.


I can still taste it.. I can still smell it too.. and the sides of my eyes are seriously beat red.. it looks like Im a drug addict rite now hah.


As much as it SUCKED to get sprayed, Im glad I went through this... I cant wait till I spray my first person with it :D :D

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I do agree with OC isnt a joke but I'm immune to OC spray thanks to the damn wind and outside confrontations so I guess I fit into the 10% of people who it has no effect on.


That is true.. My chief said he can get a full hit of it an recover in just a couple minutes now. I guess when you get hit with it all the time you tend to just get use to it. As far as being immune to it if I remember correctly, I think we were told that 1 out of every 100,000 people can get sprayed and not be that effected by it.

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Guest FBody Addict
yeah. cs gas isnt any fun either. most of the military folks know what im talking about.


gotta ask since i'm leaving for basic in march, is that cause they lock you in a room and fill the air with it so you know if you can put on your gasmask on right?

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Guest Scooter
gotta ask since i'm leaving for basic in march, is that cause they lock you in a room and fill the air with it so you know if you can put on your gasmask on right?


Here's how it worked when I went through Basic Training.


First, we did a "dry" run. That is, we went into the room where they have the gas, but didn't have the gas going at the time, so you can see what you will be in. My eyes and skin burned, but nothing to get excited about. But I would tell that when they turned the gas on, it was gonna suck.


Then, we walked out, and they started up the gas inside. Then all 60 of us put on our masks, and walked back in. There was so much gas in the air, you could barely see in front of you. But you could breath fine! The masks work great (especially when cleaning toilets! No stench!)


Then my skin started burning. BAD. The back of my neck, my freshly shaved skin that the mask didn't cover, my hands... Ouch.


After sitting there for a few minutes, the drill sergeants lined us up 6 at a time and told us to remove our masks. Being the first up would have been best, because you would have gotten out faster. But anyways, the first 6 removed their masks. Of course, they held their breath. But we were told to sound off with our name, rank, birthday, home of record, etc. This forced us to breath eventually. OW.


So you are sitting there, skin burning, watching that first 6. Then all of a sudden, they start freaking out. Flailing their arms, gagging, coughing, noses and mouths dripping snot and mucus, some of them beginning to vomit, screaming around gasping breaths... Not fun watching this, because you know it will soon be your turn.


After about 5 minutes of this, they let that 6 leave and bring up the next 6. Rinse, repeat, until everyone cycles through. All the while, they are burning more and more gas tablets. Nasty stuff.


Here's a tiny tip for you. Don't take a deep breath. Feels like your throat catches fire! You feel like you are kind of drowning, it's really hard to breath. If you go in with a stuffy nose, you sure won't be coming out! Snot will pour out of your nose. If you panic enough, you can start vomiting. Your eyes will burn like hell, but don't rub them! Waaaaay bad if you do.


So, enjoy basic training, and be sure to drink lots of milk and get a nice close shave on NBC day! ;)

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So, enjoy basic training, and be sure to drink lots of milk and get a nice close shave on NBC day!


ROFL!!! you aint right, man.



pretty much what he said. when i went through, we had this one guy whom the gas had an odd effect on. he took off his mask and started laughing. LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY. couldnt stop. yeah, his nose was running and he was crying and coughing, but he was laughing his ass off. couldnt answer the questions. in the end they just told him to get out. the rest of us are out there trying not to puke, and heres this guy, cracking up. funny shit.

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