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roll racing vent!!!! dont read if you dont want to hear a b


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roll racing........

lmao lmao lmao lmao!!!!! for pussies that cant drive or build a car off of the right platform!!!!!!

is there a NRRA (national roll racing association)???? fuck no there isnt!!!!! its a form of racing made up in the streets for cars or drivers that cant get a launch, wheather its a turbo, or a car that cant get bite, i DONT CARE!!!!!!!!!

as for me. I DONT RACE!!! why? cause i cant launch for shit!!! i admit this....but i dont lower myself for a race from 40, 60 80, 100 (i have heard ppl actually starting at 100, JOKE!!!)

ok that is all

thanks for reading my venting.....

c ya on one!!!!!

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when I try and launch, its like the fromt tire has helium in it!!!! up down up down....

maybe it's the 100 tooth sprocket you have on the back to do wheelies with. :lol:[/quote:08e8c]

:lol::lol: naw mines small, but that was a good one!!!!! but in all honesty, when the stockers were on, ......damn i suck!!!! :lol: :oops:

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