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Actual pics of the 09 camaro


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several things to comment...


1st Mallard is right, consolidation is the key to runing a large business... doing more with less... the Limited Brands is sitting on 3 BILLION dollars in the bank right now (it's public knowledge to any share holder) but they had large cuts like Project "New View" Project "Rennosaunce" and now they have Project "Insight" we are consolidating and doing more with less... not because we are doing poorly (BBW has 12% likes this year) but because it's the smart thing to do with large businesses...


2nd The F-Body was a very high selling vehicle.... it was an economical sports car that was taking away from people buying the vette because they could get the same performance at half the price. If you think I'm wrong... look around on the roads (obviously not now since there's so much snow on the ground) but they are everywhere... if the car sold that poorly it wouldn't be everywhere and wouldn't have been around for 35+ years.


now I have no clue if it will come back but I sure hope it does and they do it right.

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What you see is a real, functional car with some minor work still needed.
FUCK NO it aint! I actualy laughed out loud when I read that! :p

You can see right here. Its got posts under it. That car, just like 75% of concepts they bring to auto shows, is a big fuckin model. Its probably got plywood floor boards.


Not only will I take that bet, Anthony, but I'll put down another $20 that when it comes out, it'll be a flop, another SSR.


Mallard, I know the development timeline for new cars. I'm making note of the fact that GM sucks at marketing cars. If you're right about their quality, I have to be right because they damn sure arent selling enough of them. Releasing teasers and ads for a car that no one will see for 4 years is a bad idea, and they should know that. By the time its available, the hype will have worn off, and sales will be few and far between. Look at the last Thunderbird. That car sucked so much it changed local weather, but they sold a shit ton of them 5 months before they even hit the dealers, and at huge dealer mark ups. Now look at the SSR. Sure, it sucks, but building a retarded vehicle is no reason for not making money off it. I've never seen one with private tags on it. Everyone shit themselves when the car was introduced 5 years ago, but when it hit th emarket, everyone was off looking at the next hot thing.


If the F body was a badass seller, why was it cut? The F body wasn't the economical sports car, the Mustang was, and that is obvious when you look at the numbers, price and sales. Camaros have always been faster, but they've always cost more. They built alot of F bodies, but couldn't sell them new. Why? Because most of the people drooling over them couldn't afford them. They're "everywhere" because people were cut huge deals too get them off the lots. Like I've said in US'cars'in'Europe threads, a great $12,000 car ins't a good $25,000 car.


A growing problem with profitability in this country is people who do jack shit making too fucking much money. Rick Wagoner, GM CEO, makes just short of $5 MILLION dollars a year? What the fuck does he do thats worth $5m? What can he do with $5m that he cant do with $1m? Cut his pay down to a meager $1m a year, and thats 80+ good paying, livin in ahouse, putting the kids through college, line jobs. Devine and Lutz make $3m a year. Take them down to $500,000 and theres 20 jobs. Thats all I'm putting here, but the list goes on. "Trimming the fat" needs done from time to time, but they need to trim it at both ends. If GM doesn't suck, why are they struggling? Is it the commies fault? You have to do more then build a car, you have to sell it, you have to make people want it.

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I wouldn't say huge deals... I paid 28k for mine! Mustangs and F-Bodies have always been comperable in price... I have no idea where you're thinking that the Mustang is a budget sports car and the F-Body isn't... dude, they were meant to compete with each other.


as far as the president's salary.... all I can say is DUH! people are greedy... that's all there is to it.


I don't remember ever seeing the F-Body hard to push off the lot if they were then there wouldn't be that many on the street... now the new GTO.. that's hard to push... thus you don't see them for shit around.

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Obviously they were not comperable in price, because Ford sold 2 mustangs for every Camaro in 2002. Now, its 2005, and they're having trouble making mustangs fast enough.

2002 stang MSRPs range from $17,000 to $28,000. Camaros were $18,000 to $30,000, Firebirds were 20,000 to $32,000. That few extra grand was obviously enough to get people in cheaper mustangs. Mustangs weren't the better car, they were just the better seller.


As for el presidente, if you made $5mill a year, could you look 80 people in the face and say "I'm sorry, i need all my $5 million, you have to go."

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As for el presidente, if you made $5mill a year, could you look 80 people in the face and say "I'm sorry, i need all my $5 million, you have to go."


If I can find a way to take a block of 1000 people doing a process, and re organize it so that it only takes 500, I have no problem taking a little of what I just saved the company. The company must think he is worth while, they are paying him for it. When people are costing me 1500 on overy item we sell just for thier health care, we can really afford to do some cutting. GM has made some serious mistakes in marketing and design, but thier biggest mistake was giving the UAW damn near free reign on the contracts for so long.

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but thier biggest mistake was giving the UAW damn near free reign on the contracts for so long.

Amen, Corperate goons aren't the only greedy ones. If you flunked out of highschool, and all you do is spin bolts for a living, I'm sorry, but you just are not worth $50,000 a year, no matter how long you've worked there.

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