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Personal or Premier Paypal account?


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Well, after avoiding it for the longest time, I'm finally setting up a paypal account. I'm just curious as to whether you think it is worth it to go for the premier account over the personal account? As far as I can tell, it appears the only difference between the personal and premier is that the premier can accept credit and debit card payments, but, all received funds are taxed 1.9-2.9% +$0.30. This doesn't sound bad at all for the convenience of being able to accept credit/debit cards (incase people don't have paypal?). Question is, how do people pay you with a credit card online? I'm a little confused on that part.


Also, do you think it wise to open up a seperate bank account for paypal use only? An account with not much money in it, at all. (hell, I could use my normal account for that :mad: )


Any more paypal info you want to throw in, feel free.

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They enter their cc# into paypals site to send you money.


I have premier, fees kill me. Almost $35 on a few transactions worth a little less than 1200.


Seperate account, Never had a problem with paypal, had it linked to my account for 2 years without ever using it, and 2-3 years of use, never had a problem, does make money a little easier to spend. Then again, most banks now have the 0 liability.


One nice thing about the paypal accounts is intrest. My banks savings acct is at 0.5%. Paypal, basically checking is at 4.05%.

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