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Alleged pope incarnate excommunicated

Bishop also issues warning to woman claiming to be Virgin Mary


Tuesday, December 13, 2005; Posted: 4:04 p.m. EST (21:04 GMT)


MAYAGUEZ, Puerto Rico (AP) -- A Roman Catholic bishop here has excommunicated members of a communal sect whose leader allegedly claims to be a manifestation of the late Pope John Paul II.


Sect leader Edwin Gonzalez Concepcion and his followers can no longer receive communion or participate in church activities, according to the order issued by Mayaguez Bishop Ulises Casiano Vargas.


Gonzalez, a former firefighter in the town of Aguada, has told his followers that he became a manifestation of John Paul when the pope died in April and that Pope Benedict XVI is the "antichrist," according to the order, which priests in the diocese read to their congregations Sunday.


Members of the group couldn't immediately be reached for comment.


The bishop also alleged that another sect leader, Gladys Miranda, claims she is the Virgin Mary, and that followers of the group make it hard for parishioners to receive communion by lying face-down in the aisle.


"After many public and private warnings ... these brothers refuse to abandon their practices and repeatedly continue their affirmations that are contrary to the Catholic faith," the bishop wrote.


The church said several women and children live in the group's home about two hours west of San Juan, the capital.

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-Catholics don't celebrate their faith, they mourn it.

-Salma Hayek (Serendipity) "Dogma"

Untrue. Way to quote a movie in an attempt to look poetic, though. ;) Besides, you should realy quote the writer and not the mouthpiece.

Catholisism does not try to be a cure all opiate like 90% of post schism christendom.

Excomunication is a big deal in the catholic hirarchy, I didn't think they did it anymore. I can easily see why they would for this, though.

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I like how people can badmouth Catholics and not get banned, but turn around and say something about blacks, ect. youre account goes bye bye. (luckily most catholics have a good sense of humor)




Uhm... What don't you understand? One is a religion. One is a race. Freedom of religion means you have a choice. Choose wisely. You can't choose your race. Making fun of someone for being black is just retarded. My girlfriend is Catholic. I give her shit all the time for it. I'll convert her one of these days. Islam all the way, yo!

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Untrue. Way to quote a movie in an attempt to look poetic, though. ;) Besides, you should realy quote the writer and not the mouthpiece.

Catholisism does not try to be a cure all opiate like 90% of post schism christendom.

Excomunication is a big deal in the catholic hirarchy, I didn't think they did it anymore. I can easily see why they would for this, though.




Wow... You need laid.

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I like how people can badmouth Catholics and not get banned, but turn around and say something about blacks, ect. youre account goes bye bye. (luckily most catholics have a good sense of humor)


Racism and freedom of religion is two different things.


I can badmouth Catholism b/c I had to go through catholic schooling and catholic church for 18 years of my life. It is the worse type of church I've ever witnessed and I have been to a lot of the different churches in Columbus as I used to go to church 3 to 4 times a week. The day I turned 18 I told my parents I wasn't going to go to catholic church anymore. I think I've went only once or twice since to only make my parents happy.

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no means no Ben, last time I'm gunna tell you. :nono:

I wish I could rebut that in greater detail, but Elena cruises these boards too. :p



I've learned my lesson with that one. No more girlfriends cruising CR. That's just bad news, man.

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