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GTPs are tanks.


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Quick story...


I leave earlier than usual for work this morning to support a code install, make it to a stop at the light at 16 & 310, look back, and see a driver-less Hyundai rolling up behind me. It is getting closer as I see a kid's head barely visable above his dashboard.


I think, "man, it looks like he is not going to stop." I start moving forward to get out of the idiot's way. BAM! SOB rear ends me.


A head pops up. Kid looks very surprised and scared; maybe 18 or 19. I yell into my rearview, "you stupid cock-sucking piece...". We pull over to the right. I expect the worst.


"Nice way to start your fucking day, eh kid?"


Besides making a reverse "Pittsbu" impression in the road grime from his Steelers plate frame, there is a single, thumbnail-sized scratch inside my plate 'box' that's formed into the rear bumper cover. That's it.


The paper work and bullshit wasn't worth going through on an 8 year old, 115,000 GTP. I said, "yeah, um, so I'm going to work."


Worst result was a pididdle on the kid's Hyundai. Guys at work thought I should have turned it into a free bumper paint job, which is when I really felt old thinking to myself, "I was stupid once too". I hope he learned and avoided a shitstorm from his folks.

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