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work out for results


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I've been hitting the gym nightly since being overseas, more so than I did in the states. I normally rep about 160ish 5 sets of 10reps a piece. I do a night of arms, legs, etc... Abs I mostly do every night. Was wondering if I should trade off and on, like every other day do arms or span it out more and do arms maybe every 4 days? Anyone have any suggestions on seeing results. I already see results and lift more and more, but I wanted to see if there were any better ways. Thanks
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if your going to lift nightly you need to alternate "tear and repair" try taking some amino acids and some gluclosamine (sp?) it will help you recover faster. Also try lower reps heavy weight to bulk up lke 6 to eight reps is all you need if you pryamid and switch grips (while benching)


you can do arms every other day but do biceps one day and tris the other the go back to biceps smae with legs just dont put to many of the same type of pushing or pulling movments into one day you will see more gains if you give your muscles time to rest

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crossfit training. :D try the following and you'll be cussing my name..


1 minute drills. do 5 pull ups, 10 push ups and 15 squats. Do this as many times as you can. If you get done in 40 secs, then you rest for 20 secs... No weight on squats, just your own body weight. Once you go over the minute mark, then you're done.


When you are done with that try...


sets of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of the following


deadlifts - bodyweight + 40lbs

bench press - bodyweight

cleans - 2/3 of bodyweight


storm through for time. :) And of course, you can vary these week to week wtih different exercises. Last week, I substituted dips for bench.


Another hell exercise.. Do you guys do burpee's for PT? It's those things we all did in elementary school where you squat down, shoot your legs out behind you, then back up and squat back up. Except these when you shoot your legs out, you do a push up and when you squat back up, jump as high as you can.. Do the following (you'll need a treadmill)


5 mins warmup, 1 min at 8mph, 20 burpees, 1 min at 8mph, 19 burpees, 1 min, 18 burpees and so on until you get down to 1. I guarantee you'll be hating life half way through.


These are mainly for endurance, I do them for Krav training.

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Scott, you don’t need to dedicate one day to each body part, such as splitting up biceps one day and triceps the next day. Anything can work as long as you work hard, but the one body part per day idea has been proven to be less then ideal. The body doesn’t work that that, it’s much better to train based on movement plains to keep from developing imbalances. Compound movements using multiple joint exercises will also give you much better results then isolation exercises due to total muscle fiber recruitment.


Here is a pretty simple and straightforward program for gaining both strength and size that works well for beginners. Once you learn the ins and outs of this program and develop a good base, it will be pretty easy to move on and make small changes depending on what you need.





Chad Waterbury, the author of that program, is a well renowned strength coach, he knows what he is talking about. If you search you can find pretty much any info you need on t-nation.

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crossfit training. :D try the following and you'll be cussing my name..


1 minute drills. do 5 pull ups, 10 push ups and 15 squats. Do this as many times as you can. If you get done in 40 secs, then you rest for 20 secs... No weight on squats, just your own body weight. Once you go over the minute mark, then you're done.


When you are done with that try...


sets of 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of the following


deadlifts - bodyweight + 40lbs

bench press - bodyweight

cleans - 2/3 of bodyweight


storm through for time. :) And of course, you can vary these week to week wtih different exercises. Last week, I substituted dips for bench.


Another hell exercise.. Do you guys do burpee's for PT? It's those things we all did in elementary school where you squat down, shoot your legs out behind you, then back up and squat back up. Except these when you shoot your legs out, you do a push up and when you squat back up, jump as high as you can.. Do the following (you'll need a treadmill)


5 mins warmup, 1 min at 8mph, 20 burpees, 1 min at 8mph, 19 burpees, 1 min, 18 burpees and so on until you get down to 1. I guarantee you'll be hating life half way through.


These are mainly for endurance, I do them for Krav training.

this is BY FAR the HARDEST workout EVER... I've done allot of different workouts and right now, I can barely move... every muscle in my body is screaming in pain.

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Please PLEASE tell me how amino acids are worth less...


No, Ill let people who are much more knowledgeable about physiology tell you.


From a site that sells supplements.


From T-nation, a bodybuilder site.

linkey second part of above article.


If you want to read one of the hundreds of medical studies that these and the other gazillion articles are based on, I would be happy to provide those as well. Or you could look at the footnotes at the bottom of each article.


Glutamine in the fitness world is the equivalent of the intake tornado in the auto world. Those that have any familiarity with recent trends and research know better.




How about you "please PLEASE" tell me how glutamine benefits you.

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PS. You and I both know that amino acids are the "building blocks of life" and that essential amino acids are imperative to construction of muscle and life... So don’t give me some semantic argument about my not knowing that Amino acids in themselves are essential to muscular development. Clearly I was talking about the supplementation of the most abundant one, that being glutamine.
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PS. You and I both know that amino acids are the "building blocks of life" and that essential amino acids are imperative to construction of muscle and life... So don’t give me some semantic argument about my not knowing that Amino acids in themselves are essential to muscular development. Clearly I was talking about the supplementation of the most abundant one, that being glutamine.



Ummm, well then say that and not


amino acids are worthless.


I think what you were trying to say was


Glutamine is worthless
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creatine makes you retain water and in turn make you bloated but everyone has there own opinion



Old style mono-hydrate may do this, but the new ethyl ester is supposed to eliminate this. Ive never experienced bloating from any creatine.


It is a vocal minority who may experience bloating, it's not as common as one might think. Once again looking at actual facts rather than lore, the effects are virtually non-existent in the scientific literature. Most likely, people hear that creatine causes intramuscular water retention and psychologically transfers this effect to bloating out of sheer misunderstanding.

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Ummm, well then say that and not




I think what you were trying to say was



How bout we meet in the middle and I say:





I would venture to say that there is even more misinformation and pseudo-science passed around in F&N than the auto world.

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How bout we meet in the middle and I say:





I would venture to say that there is even more misinformation and pseudo-science passed around in F&N than the auto world.


Supplementation of any kind of essential amino acid or vitamin is not worthless per sae, but it is not a miracle supplement like some people like to believe

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PS. You and I both know that amino acids are the "building blocks of life" and that essential amino acids are imperative to construction of muscle and life... So don’t give me some semantic argument about my not knowing that Amino acids in themselves are essential to muscular development. Clearly I was talking about the supplementation of the most abundant one, that being glutamine.


Glutamine is a non essential amino acid, which is why they put it in shakes and crap (It doesnt hurt anything, but may not be the gainer your striving for though). Amino acids are just like you said, "the building blocks of life"; I think you just came across to me in your initial post saying, "Amino acids are worthless for building muscle", but I see you understand they are essential to your body, and I understand where you are coming from. I have an appointment with an excersize physiologist next week to discuss a few things and I will get hi .02 on this subject. He used to work for cycling teams in europe and pro football here in the states, he knows everything.

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Thanks for the info. I tried to isolate every other night, along with cardio and abs, but looks like I can hit everything within a night session. I'm not trying to really kill myself yet. I'm used to a push up, sit up, 2 mile run Physical Training thing when I was back at Fort Hood every morning. I've been really into lifting lately, and notice a lot now just from a few weeks. I think I've only taken a day off, but I guess I need more break time in between work out sessions. Appriciate the help.
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Thanks for the info. I tried to isolate every other night, along with cardio and abs, but looks like I can hit everything within a night session. I'm not trying to really kill myself yet. I'm used to a push up, sit up, 2 mile run Physical Training thing when I was back at Fort Hood every morning. I've been really into lifting lately, and notice a lot now just from a few weeks. I think I've only taken a day off, but I guess I need more break time in between work out sessions. Appriciate the help.


Come to krav class when you get back ;):D

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5 sets of 10 reps? Are you working out for endurance/muscle tone? I increase weight and decrease reps throughout my sets. I usually start w/6 reps w/70% 5 reps w/80% 4 reps w/90% and 2 reps w/100%. Weights vary depending on the work out. Hitting each muscle group twice a week tops is all you need. Too many people over train and dont leave enough time to recover. If your workout schedule feels kind of empty after you cut back I'd suggest more cardio.
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So, any supplements you guys would recommend from experience. I was looking at NO-xplode and Muscle milk. I put in moderate cardio and moderate weights 5 days a week, but I want to get more serious about it.
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So, any supplements you guys would recommend from experience. I was looking at NO-xplode and Muscle milk. I put in moderate cardio and moderate weights 5 days a week, but I want to get more serious about it.


I take both of those.. Only the NO-xplode on hard workout days, it gives you so much energy but have read it doesn't work on everyone. Muscle milk chocolate has to be the best tasting powder there is, but its more for a meal replacement than a straight up protein powder.

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