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Speed trap???


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I'm sure most of you are probably aware of this speed trap but yesterday on my way home from class I was on 670 eastbound when I came around a corner and under the overpass (right b/f 5th avenue) a cop on a motorcycle (I guess they are cutting back b/c of gas prices) was sitting with his radar gun. I've seen cars there every so often but I did not see him on his bike until I was right up on him. Just seconds b/f I was traveling close to 90mph and some car cut me off thus slowing me way down. Thank God! Anyhoo, just thought you'd all want to know.

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psh thats just a guy bored of riding and decided to pull out his gun...

a REAL speed trap is where they have a trooper in the median, usually hiding after a curve or blind hill, you are caught speeding but he doesn't come after you. whew! not so fast, the relayed your information to a waiting trooper. over the next blind spot a trooper literally standing in the middle of the highway points at you to pull over if you don't pull over their are multiple troopers waiting like dogs to chase you down.

thats a speed trap...

btw this didn't happen to me but a lot of my friends got caught that way. on 675 near enon and 444 a few weeks ago.

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I'm sure most of you are probably aware of this speed trap but yesterday on my way home from class I was on 670 eastbound when I came around a corner and under the overpass (right b/f 5th avenue) a cop on a motorcycle...

They usually sit under the bridge on the Westbound side where the speed limit drops from 65 to 55. They are there quite a bit.

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Ha, there was a speed trap on 270 the weekend of 4th of July. Came up on the first one cruising at 65mph (cruise control) and then i heard my Laser Jammer blipping all to hell...looked up and saw the second state trooper hehe :D :D :D

Want to try that thing out sometime to see if it really works?

isnt that illegal?? i tho the cop that pulls you over has to be the one that clocked you?

No, citations can be given through various forms, one of which being a radio.

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What's that mean, I've got one too? Are you insinuating that they don't work?

I've always seemed to have pretty good luck with mine.

I've heard that they dont work. There is only one way to find out. We might have to wait a bit for my hand to heal. I can make some calls & see if we can set something up. Let me know if youre down. Remember that you dont have to speed to test it. :)

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isnt that illegal?? i tho the cop that pulls you over has to be the one that clocked you?

Nope it's perfectly legal, the courts recognize that an officers testimony/word to another officer is acceptable as prima facie. Just like when the OSP airplane catches someone speeding on the freeway, he's not the one writing the ticket but the issuing officer will put his name on it as a "witness".

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I've heard that they dont work. There is only one way to find out. We might have to wait a bit for my hand to heal. I can make some calls & see if we can set something up. Let me know if youre down. Remember that you dont have to speed to test it. :)

I'll be more than happy to test it. It's a LaserStar Jammer. I got sponsored by them.

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