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The viewing angle is good its not that old really. Maybe mid, late 90's. The picture is better than our new one. Had to replace cause the wood grain didn't go with the new entertainment center, women. Make me an offer it has to go. Its a mitsu
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The viewing angle is good its not that old really. Maybe mid, late 90's. The picture is better than our new one. Had to replace cause the wood grain didn't go with the new entertainment center, women. Make me an offer it has to go. Its a mitsu


got a model #? very interested..


Also what inputs does it have? and how many

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If you want to buy a new one i can cut you a slight deal at circuit city.


Although a new one would be nice, this is just for my basement, so its not really needed. Thanks for the offer though. Do you make comission there at Circuit City? If so I will send friends that way

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