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24......Great season ahead...


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You know, last night was the first time I ever watched that show. Honestly, I thought it was great - you're right on about how the two hours passed as though they were only one. As I was watching it, I caught myself thinking a few times, "You know, there's no unnecessary bullshit in this show - every frame, every scene, every minute means something, it all has value." I'm usually fairly cynical and skeptical of stuff like this; that I liked it as much as a I did is saying something.


Johnny Bravo of CR Times writes: "It was a two hour adrenaline rush!" "Wow, 24 roxors!" "If I were a T.V. drama, I'd be 24!"

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i knew there was a new season of 24 coming up soon, so i got the other 4 season and watched all those before this season. You are correct, it makes it so much better. Also this new president sucks ass. they need to bring palmer back.


you obviously did not just watch the premier...go watch it. now.



president logan is fucking horrible. i love how he's such a good actor that you really loathe his character.


also, i think Jean Smart is doing REALLY well so far as the first lady. this show has really good acting most of the time.

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i watched the first two shows of seaon one when it came out, thought it was n awsome show, but then i started up school and havent watched another episode, sucks


lately the few Lost shows ive gotton to watched sucks, only had about 5 minutes of new material in them, they just show the old episodes, sucks, i haven watched on for a while cause of that,

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Palmer/Jack for president 2k8


little do you know that Jack Bauer is actually Dick Cheney in disguise.


i honestly think this show does better than any other show in making you hate the antagonists; Nina Meyers, Shari Palmer, Habib Marwan, and even people that just get in the way of Bauer, like Prez Logan, etc. And they make you change your mind about people; i.e. Tony Almeida...he was an asshole in the beginning, now he's Jack's best friend.



I love this show too much...does it show?

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