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Devils Advocate

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Cicero once said:


"It is an outrageous abuse of both time and literature for a man to commit his thoughts to writing without having the ability either to arrange them or elucidate them, or attract readers by some charm of style."


It is with this in mind that I submit a request to you all: Stop posting absolute garbage. If you can't coherently convey what you have on your mind, then do not waste the time of everyone browsing this web forum with poorly put together profanity or completely illegible brain vomit. While Columbus Racing may be a far cry from the audience that Cicero intended this quote for, there are still a number of regular members who enjoy a good story, joke, or even something as simple as a paragraph without grammatical errors. So, in closing, I ask you all once again to stop and proof-read your posts, making sure that whomever comes across them will at least be able to know what language you're speaking before you click on the little "add reply" button.

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I miss the quality flame threads. 2 or more intelegent people e-thuging on each other for several pages. Of couse, I cant view at work any more either, so that = teh suck.


BTW Jon, what happened to your pledge to randomly pick one cr member every week and make a proper thread in the kitchen at thier expense?

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Cicero once said:


"It is an outrageous abuse of both time and literature for a man to commit his thoughts to writing without having the ability either to arrange them or elucidate them, or attract readers by some charm of style."


It is with this in mind that I submit a request to you all: Stop posting absolute garbage. If you can't coherently convey what you have on your mind, then do not waste the time of everyone browsing this web forum with poorly put together profanity or completely illegible brain vomit. While Columbus Racing may be a far cry from the audience that Cicero intended this quote for, there are still a number of regular members who enjoy a good story, joke, or even something as simple as a paragraph without grammatical errors. So, in closing, I ask you all once again to stop and proof-read your posts, making sure that whomever comes across them will at least be able to know what language you're speaking before you click on the little "add reply" button.


I.....er......I mean...... my friend, yeah my friend, has a couple of questions:



So why are you interested in Columbus RACING again? You own a 13 second or faster car, or your mom does, or you saw one once, please enlighten me because I don't get why you are here.....


And #2

Do you think you impress anybody here with your so called skill? :p:cool:


Signed "Just Curious"

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As it's been said many times, 60% of this board doesnt have a car that runs 13.0.


Your "friend" (I know this to be a lie because the thought of you having friends is preposterous and comical) can suck my dick. "His" opinions matter to me about as much as snow in Alaska does.


I posted this because there is a common opinion around people who have been around for awhile that the board has been taken over by witless illiterates. Sorry that I attempted a somewhat cynical stab at helping out, I'll make sure to check with you and your incredibly amazing car next time I feel like posting and don't own a mid-life crisis car.

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Your "friend" (I know this to be a lie because the thought of you having friends is preposterous and comical) can suck my dick. "His" opinions matter to me about as much as snow in Alaska does.



irony.... Did you ever thing that we feel the same way about your post.


Seriously If the post is readable it fine by me, but hey maybe my standards are lower that yours. Don't know don't care. I any case I don't post here to have my shit graded like a grade schooler. If you don't like my grammer and or writing abilities or inabilities so fucking what you posting on here an bitching about it does not want me to work any harder to correct it.


Now you can bash me or flame me for my post. So be it, I won't lose sleep over it.

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As it's been said many times, 60% of this board doesnt have a car that runs 13.0
Well 40% of 5000 is 2000 cars, to me that is a large number of cars. Maybe that 60% should not be here.......Where do you fall again?



Sorry that I attempted a somewhat cynical stab at helping out, I'll make sure to check with you and your incredibly amazing car next time I feel like posting and don't own a mid-life crisis car.

the ending seeems to be a little off there Professor, better take out your red marker...... :o


Mid life crisis, :D I don't even have kids yet! :lol::slap:

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Well 40% of 5000 is 2000 cars, to me that is a large number of cars. Maybe that 60% should not be here.......Where do you fall again?


I fall into the 3000 that doesn't have a sub-13.0 car. Nor does anyone in my family. The fastest car in my family is a 1995 BMW M3. However, give me an even car to yours, and I'm fairly confident I'd hang with (beat, even?) many of these guys on track. So how do you define racing?

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I fall into the 3000 that doesn't have a sub-13.0 car. Nor does anyone in my family. The fastest car in my family is a 1995 BMW M3. However, give me an even car to yours, and I'm fairly confident I'd hang with (beat, even?) many of these guys on track. So how do you define racing?



I understand, don't get me wrong, I don't think you HAVE to have a fast car to be here but my thought is as long as you have something car related or racing related to post some of the time you should be here.

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no fuma en la bono. My high school teacher used to say that everytime. Do I get an 'F' on my spanish, Troof?


yes. its bano. unless you want to use the lead singer from U2 as a waste receptacle.




or you meant to say "it does not smoke in the bond"

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