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Cost of the Iraq war ...


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interesting calculator, only calculates the cost of the war.


Now, Im not here to talk shit about the war or BUsh, but rather make a point.


When you see all the money being spent, realize that a big part of that money is being used to buy military equipment, military salaries, etc etc and that money goes right into the hands of the US economy.


I heard ppl talking about how expensive this war is ...


Here's a thought ... we spend a couple hundred billion dollars, that goes right into our economy where it is taxed and put back into the treasury to be spent again (in much smaller amounts but a portion is recycled).


I was working on a macroecon project and decided to work with this one. Ive debated this over and over, from an economist's point of view, the war is helping our economy.


But I just wanted to make a point that even though the war is expensive, to make sure that if you are not aware of this fact that this is the main reason our economy is doing so well ... WARs = economic improvement/growth.


WWII brought us out of the great depression ... is war a good thing? Well, for the economy yes, but for everything else, well, I'll leave that up to you.


This war is a horrible thing and EVERYONE has their opinion.


Im just pointing something out.


Flame on CR ...

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I often try to make the same point. Let's get real creative. Economy is flat, so lets deregulate communications (thanks clinton) which in return created demand. Demand creates jobs and the need for supplies. This can only last so long before the riple comes back at you. The economy is on the edge of the down fall, 9/11 comes around (what a great excuse to blame the downfall on). Go to war and the economy is booming again. Hmmm. How many other coutries do we already have a pressence in or occupy? Was 9/11 staged? Greater of 2 evils? You decide. Ever heard of the Illuminati?


Entertain yourself and read this...



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At first glance, this looks to be true. After all, when the troops came back from WWII, the money they had saved up while overseas played a crucial role in the upswing in the United States economy at that time. However, during that war the majority of the money spent on the war went to the troops and the blue collar workers that supplied the weapons and machines of war, and also the industries that were needed to support the manufacture of said items (i.e., steel, coal, oil, etc.) These were all well paid positions, and many were needed. The majority of the money spent on the war was given to the middle to lower classes, allowing them to increase their standard of living.



In the surrent situation, the majority of the money spent on the war is being spent on technology, whether it is software or research into bigger or more efficient weapons, or machines to more effectively reach our goals. Most of the money spent is going to large, private corporations, which are being funded by our tax dollars ( Chomsky, Welfare for the Rich). These corporations are headed by very wealthy men who reinvest their money rather than spend it, meaning that even less currency is in circulation. For more information on this, read about Reagonomics, or the trickle-down effect. It has been know for years that this theory is flwed.

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