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So WHo is the biggest loser??


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Guest JsANeon
I think this a great idea, I know, I am a little late but, I was about 385lbs 7 weeks ago and now, I am 350. And how I lost it (If anybody cares) I kept a food diary for a couple of weeks, and found out I was taking in about 6000 cals. a day and now I am down to about 1750 a day. And I also quit eating fast food, and quit drinking unless a for an occasion ex. Anthony's and Bj's 21st birthdays. So everybody in keep up the good work. Good luck everyone and be safe.

HOLY SHIT Ramsey good fucking job man! good luck to you and all the others!

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Is it to late to get in on this? The mother in law passed away last week so i kinda missed this. If its not to late i could use the motivation. Let me know if your still willing to take on stragglers.


In other news the stock for Chipotle is about to crash :) Do i get a handicap b/c my wife is pregnant and needs Dairy Queen every hour on the hour?


PM christ fatchad... What the devil would I call you if you removed the prefix?

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I got your pms, oh you can weigh in at anytime this week, but you are losing time to lose weight ... right now two more ppl signed up, once i get there money, Boost-n-juice's numbers and i check my paypal ... then all is set!


10 weeks from last sunday, so we have 9 weeks and 4 days (roughly) ... i went out, almost bought some ice cream, but i left it on a shelf ...


Yes, join us! THrone, you can still get in on this!


just pm guys, again my cell is 614-370-5375, call me if you need to work anything out ..




We all weigh in on a Sunday in 9.6 weeks ... so be available, no exceptions! It wouldnt be fair to everyone else. Well, good luck all!

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I think this dieting thing is going to kill me faster than being fat would have. I've been eating a shitload of fresh fruits while I'm at work so that I don't wander over the the wheel-of-death. Because of this diet, I'm hardly ever shitting and building up so much gas, my stomach hurts all the fucking time and feels like it's going to explode. I guess I might have to get some metamucil, exlax, or some shit like that...LoL!!!


It really doesn't help matters that on my way home from work every morning, I pass White Castle (the damn place is right beside my house), and the car just wants to turn into the parking lot, and I have to fight to keep it on the road.


Oh, another thing that sucks ass, is that right after I weighed in, I get notified that there will be some parties coming up in the next couple weeks. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must.Resist.Beer. I never thought I would ever hear those words come out of my mouth. LoL.


/rant off.......for now.

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I think this dieting thing is going to kill me faster than being fat would have. I've been eating a shitload of fresh fruits while I'm at work so that I don't wander over the the wheel-of-death. Because of this diet, I'm hardly ever shitting and building up so much gas, my stomach hurts all the fucking time and feels like it's going to explode. I guess I might have to get some metamucil, exlax, or some shit like that...LoL!!!


It really doesn't help matters that on my way home from work every morning, I pass White Castle (the damn place is right beside my house), and the car just wants to turn into the parking lot, and I have to fight to keep it on the road.


Oh, another thing that sucks ass, is that right after I weighed in, I get notified that there will be some parties coming up in the next couple weeks. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Must.Resist.Beer. I never thought I would ever hear those words come out of my mouth. LoL.


/rant off.......for now.


You can't eat white castle....


just drink beer, dont eat any food. :D

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lite beer ... very lite beer!!!


i just ran 2.00 miles in 20 min at the gym ... i weighed in at 192.6lbs, after i ran i weighed in at 193.6lbs ... whaa?


all i took was a protein shake before hand, but im wondering where the extra lb came from, i sweat a ton!


no matter, i cant wait til 11am when i can eat some carbs ... fucking pasta here i come!

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Here's what we have in the weigh-ins.


ChrisMindless - 194.6

WishIwascool - 198

Skully - 215.8

Ben - 239.8

BoostNJuice - TBE


if anyone else wants in, now is the time!

10 weeks! DO IT!


Let the record show 'fat'chad tipped in the scales at 200.4. Whos fn idea was to do this in the beginning of march. March madness with no beer FTL.


Sully i know what your saying about the pain, mine is hunger pain. Ive got to get my body used to taking in less calories, so far its a little pissed off. I've got a good meal plan on the table, i think, but resisting all these damned girl scout cookings and stuff is killing me.

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Let the record show 'fat'chad tipped in the scales at 200.4. Whos fn idea was to do this in the beginning of march. March madness with no beer FTL.



I seriously cant believe that you only came in at 200. You are a foot taller than me.



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You have more muscle than I do so i wasn't all that surprised, but we are both heavier around the midsection that we should be. I haven't worked out in over 3 years probably so theres a lot of room for improvements after i cut off these love handles. I've lost about 8 lbs in the past 3-4 months just cutting out pop and not eating as much fast food. Lately i've been living off Chipotle though. It will be interesting to see if i can get back into the shape i was as a frosh in college, pre beer and whores. :)
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cleared it ... done!


also guys, weigh in is approaching real soon. Some news to announce that I have fully recovered from both the bike accident and the wrestling accident ... needless to say ive been down for the past 6 weeks but back on my feet, i didnt get to exercise like I wanted, but i was able to diet so we can see what effects JUST dieting had on my experience.

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