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Not for the weak stomach type.


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That's like 2 weeks worth of shit. This proves that some girls are full of shit. I'm surprized niether of them were in sepitc shock. That is just way too much poo. And the blown out asshole, good lawrd. I thought the chick in the vid was going to fist herself when she went to wipe. I was about to throw my computer off the desk.
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Neither one of those chicks (are they the same?) will NEVER.. I mean NEVER be allowed to use my shitter at home. That would definatley plug some shit (lol) up.


It's like an elephant took a dump.


"Somone left a square turd in my toilet, havent been able to flush it for a week"


Seiouly, that shit aint right. I think chris has been sharing the pert bottle.

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I bet you doesnt take a dump for days and it gets bounded up in her insides

No, if it sits, she gets contopated, the colon removes moisture from whatever sits in it. What she probably did was eat a hell'uva lot of bread the day before.


I spent about 2 mins thinking about that....way too much time.

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