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pulled over again

Chad is Dead

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Got pulled over for riding wheelies for the second time......was doing one and then bam theres a cop coming my way....he turns around the begins to follow me for about 5 minutes until finally putting his lights on. I still only have my temps{I've had them for 2 years}. He said because I only have my temps that I have to ride w/ someone else. I was never aware of this. Is that true. Then he told me not to be doing wheelies on roads and was very stern w/ me so I figured I'm getting a wreckless op and my bike is gonna be impounded. After running all my shit he comes back, hands me my stuff back, tells me to put my mirrors back on{I have them off} , tells me not to ride wheelies, and have a good day. So for the second time gettting caught doing wheelies I get away free. So far the cops around my area have been pretty cool w/ me and hopefully my luck will continue to be like this. End of story.
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i have never heard that you have to ride with someone else. i have had my temps for 8 months so i think i could recall soemthing llike that but i believe he is mistaken on that. only restrictions are no interstate and no riding at night............. oh and no wheelies haha
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yep, thats bs. With your learners permit, you can't ride on the interstate, at night and you must have a helmet. How could they expect you to ride with a passenger, which is much harder and you are responsible for someone else's safety?
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I think he ment that there has to be another bike with him, not someone riding on his bike.

Thats what I meant........and Ben of course it was because of my stunning looks....I just dyed my hair blonde so of course all the little piggies think I'm cute........and he's coming over for dinner and a movie on thursday. What can I say, I love a man in a uniform.



ps........there was 2 cops.......one was a lady who didn't talk one word and I think she was a dike...........SHTOOPS!!!!!!!

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Why don't you take the MSF class? It's cake, and it is actually the most interesting class I've EVER attended. Hell, it's the only class I've ever taken where I actually pass an exam by driving a motorcycle through the middle of the class.
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Why don't you take the MSF class? It's cake, and it is actually the most interesting class I've EVER attended. Hell, it's the only class I've ever taken where I actually pass an exam by driving a motorcycle through the middle of the class.


+1 - go with an open mind.


I'm tempted to sign up again this year just for the hell of it.


Also, you do not have to be riding with someone (another bike). No riding after dark, no riding interstates and in 'heavy traffic', and no passengers.


Oh, and wheelies are always illegal. :D

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Just go take the TEST. its a cake walk. I did it on a bike i have never road and passed it with 1 point. and i herd no matter what u get 1 point off cause they dont want u to think your a super good rider.
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I want to take the msf class but have been to lazy to sign up. And about the regular test. My bike isn't completely street legal so I wouldn't be able to take it unless I used someone elses bike and my only other friend who rides is sketchy about me using his bike because he pampers the hell out of it and he always dropped it during the test and now is freakin. What number or website do I need to go to to sign up for the msf class?
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  • 3 weeks later...
Just go take the TEST. its a cake walk. I did it on a bike i have never road and passed it with 1 point. and i herd no matter what u get 1 point off cause they dont want u to think your a super good rider.


Not true. :)

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That's not true...I've been riding the last two years intermittently by myself. Not that I don't have someone to ride with. Seldom did I get stopped by cops though...they never once said anything about having another rider with me. I am one of the lazy people too and have had my temps for almost 2 years now...have to get them renewed in June or buckle down and take the test.
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That's not true...I've been riding the last two years intermittently by myself. Not that I don't have someone to ride with. Seldom did I get stopped by cops though...they never once said anything about having another rider with me. I am one of the lazy people too and have had my temps for almost 2 years now...have to get them renewed in June or buckle down and take the test.


It was ok when temps were 6.50. Since Ohio (thanks Bob Taft, f-er) decided to put the screws to everyone it's too damn expensive to keep doing that.


Pay your $25 for MSF and take the course. That way you can user their bikes and complete the test.


Riding with someone else (not 2-up, one person/bike) is not required with temps.


yotaman hit it with what you are not allowed to do.

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