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Guest fixerupper

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Guest fixerupper
I'm trying to load OSX 10.4 on my powerbook, but I have to do so using a .dmg/.iso file because my drive is not working. When I go to restart after mounting the image it always shutsdown the program I'm using so the process negates itself. Is there a way around this? BTW, I'm using Toast to mount it.
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i dont know what kind of .dmg/.iso you have exactly, but you should also be able to just mount that through os x diskimagemounter by right clicking the .dmg file and once you do that you should be able to just select that mounted image in the startup disk utility in system preferences and that will adjust your boot file accordingly. sorry if this is all stuff you tried, i dont know if you have an ipod but you could also boot of that if need be.


josh, dont be jealous that we dont have to pay for extra software to make an image mount as a disk, have fun with vista ;)

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Well, at least we don't have to download it. :D But I still love using that program on my "dull little box".... oops I mean PC. ;)

funny coming from someone who uses a machine that does very LIMITED things and in order to do anything other than graphics or display pretty icons has to run a PC emulator

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a. you guys are all bragging about stealing software to a software engineer, and that hurts my feelings.

b. how does the os x do very LIMITED things? its completely unix based.


im not going to get to into this, but it would be nice if before you started running your mouth you would first do some research or learn just a little of what your talking about.


also, derek, if you have any problem getting that to work I have a few more ideas. and ben knows his shit too, he'll probably be more help than me.

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Guest fixerupper

Ok, I just got my book back from my friend's house. I've used startup disk to try and boot from it, but when I tell it to restart... well it just sits there.


I just also tried to use startup disk to boot and open the files on the existing .iso to restart. Still no dice....

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i didnt think about this before, i dont think you can install an os on the partion that the install data is on. but i think that your going to need to put the contents of the iso either on another partition or onto an external device. i would definatly suggest that latter.
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