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does anyone have a boot up disk for xp


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cool. what would be a good time? yea it worked great and i was trying to switch the video from 16 color to 256 and it asked if i wanted to restart now i clicked yes and now no monitor signal. its a old computer but has more memory than this pos im on now. i really need to build a new


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hey i got it to boot in safe mode. but after the win xp thing comes up the screen goes blank and then nothing. i know it still works but no graffix are displayed on the monitor. i tried setting the vga different diddnt help. i wanted to reboot from a date like a week ago then just let it come up with that date with everything working and just change the date. i ve done that on a older comp. this one has no where to select that. when it comes on first it says system info f10 and boot f1. i hit f1 then f8 and it said safe mode. and a lot of other things one was for techs. i beleive. but nowhere to set the date. any ideas?
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