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Custody Lawsuit on the national level.


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In the past few months Ive posted articles about custody, etc and even others have done so as well. Well, here is a link to a short article on what is taking place.


Briefly, over the course of 2 weeks, 28 lawsuits in 28 states were filed and these lawsuits are the kind that change things. The basic idea is they represent every non-custodial parent in those states, all one must do is sign up for the lawsuit. Kinda like when Big Drug companies are sued and everyone that has been ill effected by those drugs gets a settlement ...


Here's the article:




Here's one of the websites, one of the better ones and has a TON of info:




also look at:




^^^ go down to ohio ... check that out.


To sign the petition, go here:






And then for those that want to read the legal of what has been submitted, you can read it here:




or access the list of all documents here:





I know this is the indiana stuff. It came to me from a member and Im sharing it for reference, but this is all going to look about the same. Once I get all the OHIO stuff, I will post ASAP, but it took me two weeks to get this much information on this issue.


As RATM said "... and thats why we have take the power back ..."

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