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Debunk this....please


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I am one of those idiots who will consider just about anything to save some money, and stick it to the establishment.

Since I am not the most smartest person out there, and know very little about chemistry, physics, mechanical, or just plain jack shit....I'd like some people who I believe will review something and see what is the phucking catch...





I've got some engineers taking a look at this, and they haven't gotten back to me. Since there are some people who are stuck at work, and have no problem telling me I'm full of $hit.....tell me whether I should spend the $$$.

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1. energy is not free

2. the amount of energy in a closed system is constant

3. energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only converted...

the first thing to note. you're adding stress to the electrical system by increasing the load which makes the engine work harder to power the alternator...

the amount of energy you "harness" from burning the hydrogen/ogygen will be less than the energy it takes to split the hydrogen and oxygen in the first place...

basically, you'd be better off to add an electric "turbo" to your intake...

someone with a physics background care to back me up here?

finally the common sense question "if this actually worked as promised, wouldn't one of the major car manufacturers be using it to increase their advertised mileage already?"

1 vote for pile of shit and scam

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the first thing to note. you're adding stress to the electrical system by increasing the load which makes the engine work harder to power the alternator...

the amount of energy you "harness" from burning the hydrogen/ogygen will be less than the energy it takes to split the hydrogen and oxygen in the first place...

basically, you'd be better off to add an electric "turbo" to your intake...

someone with a physics background care to back me up here?

finally the common sense question "if this actually worked as promised, wouldn't one of the major car manufacturers be using it to increase their advertised mileage already?

Exactly right, I have electronics engineering background, and I have built electrolysis machines to make hydrogen for some small projects in the past.

magley64 is exactly right. Now If you want to start working on something that is REAL, there is a guy who accidentally figured out how to make salt water burn (when specific high freq radio waves are directed at it), though at this time, the amount of energy put into it, it still greater than energy produced. link: http://www.cnn.com/2007/TECH/science/11/14/saltwater.fire/index.html

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This is crap - don't waste your time or money. I second everything Magley said. Electrolysis is an energy losing battle.

Now, if you could park your car in the sun all day long and use solar cells to separate the molecules, then the savings would be more realistic (under the assumption that energy from the sun is free and vastly unused anyway)

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Basically he is creating a vacuum leak and changing the ignition timing to compensate! The HHO he refers to is water normaly put H20 and is basically water injection to cool the engine from how lean the engine is running...

WARNING dont not try this on a motorcycle that you like because most bike engines need higher octane and have high compression (especially sport bikes) and it will melt a piston before you circle the block!!!

put the crack pipe and your credit card down!!!!:supergay:

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Ive been researching brown gas along with a co worker, the idea is sound, i haven't tried anything yet, but the bonus to it is, everything you do to the car is completely reversible and cant damage the car if the tuning is done correctly.

If you want to try it i recommend using an OBD1 Honda civic, mostly cause itll be cheap to pick up and the ECUs from honda have been completely reversed engineered so tuning isnt a matter of a piggy back or a fake O2 sensor.

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Basically he is creating a vacuum leak and changing the ignition timing to compensate! The HHO he refers to is water normaly put H20 and is basically water injection to cool the engine from how lean the engine is running...

...Not Quite....

HHO is water, but when you hit it with electricity you can get the bonds to break, so now you have hydrogen and oxygen (a fuel + an intensifier)

the problem is: any energy you can harness from burning these is used up by the alternator to make more hydrogen and oxygen...

you can't get energy for free

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...Not Quite....

HHO is water, but when you hit it with electricity you can get the bonds to break, so now you have hydrogen and oxygen (a fuel + an intensifier)

the problem is: any energy you can harness from burning these is used up by the alternator to make more hydrogen and oxygen...

you can't get energy for free

If thats true then u cant run a radio or anything that requires 12v. The power is there.

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depends on how much energy you need. is it a question of amperage or voltage? even if you had to have a small tank to start off with you would be able to keep it up. look at the modern hybrids. they run purely as electric cars with just a generator for the batteries. there is a new car coming out that can be charged on a 110v outlet. remember that our technology has developed extremely fast in every form of our lives, except for fuel technology...that we know of. this may not be the answer, but there is research being done that very few people know about, and with good reason. if we do ever see some of this technology, it's not gonna be from an individual, it will come directly from an auto manufacturer who wants to make a huge jump in the market share with a technology that it owns.

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If thats true then u cant run a radio or anything that requires 12v. The power is there.


your 12 volt electricity comes from the battery which is charged by the alternator...

when you put a load on the battery, the alternator leeches power from the crank to recharge it...causing your mileage to go down...(albeit not significantly)

now if you put an additional load on the battery for an electrolosys system, it's going to task the alternator more which will leach power from the crank...

and additional power you get from burning the HHO will be less than the energy you leached off the crank to make it...

kinda like plugging a power strip into itself....

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I know HHO is being used for welding/cutting materials.

I think the use here is as a fuel supplement to make the existing gas usage less.

As soon as I get more info(some engineering dudes that work with my wife, and my daughter is an engineer and her friends are looking into the aspects of this) I'll pass it on.

Plus, if it gets a plausible review, I'll try it out and see what happens. If so, I'll throw the results up here.

Not looking for a debate, just plausibility.

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