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Felony HA!


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No, that is not what people seem worried about...


People are worried about their "rights"


We had to do a public debate for one of my classes where the audience voted on who they thought should be the winner. We did if talking on your cell phone should be illegal. We had all the facts, tests, stats, etc about how dangerous driving while talking on your cell phone is, even where the constitution talks about protecting people (really tired, not gonna look up the exact quote). The opposition just went out and said that banning talking on your cell while driving is taking away your rights. People are more worried about themselves and their so called rights, rather than the safety of fellow citizens.


The people for talking on your cell while driving won. Not by much by they won. People don't want to give up their own "rights" to help others if it inconvienences them.

Out of curiousity, what would you say the major demographic of the audience was? Was it college students?

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Out of curiousity, what would you say the major demographic of the audience was? Was it college students?


Students, Faculty, Staff, adults from the area, real mixed...

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  • 2 weeks later...

i didn't read anything but the first post and the thread is probably off topic by now anyway...but you (thread starter) said something about stories beating yours...well it probably doesn't beat it, but it goes along with military IDs and getting out of shit.


friends of mine go to texas (south padre island) last spring break.

have a lot of pot on them

on a highway that leads into mexico in texas

get stopped at a huge check point -> guys with big guns and the like + dogs

dog smells something in the car (jumping on the car/barking/basically going crazy)

*i believe guns were pulled out

one friend shows military ID (his dad is really high ranked)

*guns put down

they drive away...


that's pretty amazing if you ask me. supposedly these "guys with guns" had huge assult rifles. but some of my old friends aren't really 100% honest all the time and i don't know if it's all true or not. but either way, that's a pretty good one.

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