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So Flounder.........


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I understand you were on your 1000 lastnight, but had to take it home to get your 750 cause you were being too crazy on the 1000. What were you doing.....standups, stoppies, racing, surfing..... :dunno:

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man what a fuckin weirdo. just ride the damn bike. you know i saw mladin chang bikes this weekend when he was recing. he said "I was just too crazy on my 1k so i had to change to the 750". why dont you just get a 250 and be done with it. sell the others, or just learn how to ride!!!!!!!!

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You shitbags can just keep talking.. yeah I have 2 bikes and I will ride both of them no matter what shit flows from your mouth..

I ride the 750 and you girls whine about the 1K.. I ride the 1K and you whine about the 750..

grow up ladies and blow me..

As far as the "crazy" comment.. this fucking group of people is like that telephone game all you little fags played as a kid.. first person says "hello" and by the time its to the end it comes out as "Hey did you hear that bobby fucked your mother"

Its getting old ladies...

Most of you were at home on your couches while I went riding so eat me. I cant help it if your bedtime is 8pm...

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man what a fuckin weirdo. just ride the damn bike. you know i saw mladin chang bikes this weekend when he was recing. he said "I was just too crazy on my 1k so i had to change to the 750". why dont you just get a 250 and be done with it. sell the others, or just learn how to ride!!!!!!!!

Hey chrome.. do you even know what it feels like to ride a bike solo anymore.. so blow me. :dunno:

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yea i know what it's like. but what does that have to do with you always changing bikes???

Ive got 2 bikes.. I will ride them both.. Its nice being able to jump on the 750 and having to actually shift.. you can ride the damn 1K all over town in 1st and second on the highway with no problems.

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all i hear is excuses :thefinger:

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I simply asked what "too crazy" meant. I'll still be on a ZX10 if you ride either one or drive your truck, so why would I give you shit about anything.

wasnt really saying you.... no idea where the too crazy comment came from.. like I said.. like the telephone game..

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so you wern't acting crazy. what was the reason for the bike change then. i think that is what we were all wondering.

Seriously who fucking cares... I wanted to change bikes so I did... How about I start posting on here when I go and take a shit or piss.. because you all obviously need to know every little detail..

By the way.. I shit 30min ago.. about to go piss now.. they actually have soft toilet paper at my current clients site and I think I used 40 or so sheets of it during my last dump.

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so you wern't acting crazy. what was the reason for the bike change then. i think that is what we were all wondering.

Seriously who fucking cares... I wanted to change bikes so I did... How about I start posting on here when I go and take a shit or piss.. because you all obviously need to know every little detail..

By the way.. I shit 30min ago.. about to go piss now.. they actually have soft toilet paper at my current clients site and I think I used 40 or so sheets of it during my last dump.

Cottonelle or Charmin? :D

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so you wern't acting crazy. what was the reason for the bike change then. i think that is what we were all wondering.

Seriously who fucking cares... I wanted to change bikes so I did... How about I start posting on here when I go and take a shit or piss.. because you all obviously need to know every little detail..

By the way.. I shit 30min ago.. about to go piss now.. they actually have soft toilet paper at my current clients site and I think I used 40 or so sheets of it during my last dump.

Cottonelle or Charmin? :D

Not sure... let me check.. I think the storage door was open.

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Seriously who fucking cares... I wanted to change bikes so I did...


I drove the 350z this morning and maybe ill get the supra out of storage later tonight.

Pics or BAN........

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I have what some may call an anger management problem.. You all have to realize not to take it personal because its not.. Im just a cranky SOB.

I can explode on you one minute and sit and drink a beer laughing about something stupid 30 seconds later.. Its a problem but believe it or not.. It has gotten better over the years..

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Seriously who fucking cares... I wanted to change bikes so I did...


I drove the 350z this morning and maybe ill get the supra out of storage later tonight.

Pics or BAN........

Let me grab a couple pics the Z pic is old before the new wheels

i newer pic of the z and the supra



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