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I have a wireless router set up on my desktop PC, and I use my laptop to connect to it. Now, today I've noticed some random penis (presumably a neighbor) is connecting to my home network. I have changed the "administrator" password to the router, but it doesn't ask me for it when I connect using the laptop or a palm pilot, so I don't think that has anything to do with it. The only option this "Network Magic" program gives me is to track that computer as an intruder... but not to disallow access.


My point is, can they send information with an IP address that will come back to me over the internet? Most of my desktop computer is shared, can they check out my pr0n? I spent a lot of time collecting it, and I don't want to share. :)


Thanks in advance!

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You have to enable WEP security on your router. Then you can assign a key to access your network. You will then input the key in the network adaptor properties in your computers to access the network. Those who doesn't have a key will not be able to get in unless they are cool hakerx.


I'm sure if you type in wep on google you will be able to get more info. If you look on your router documentation it should give you instructions on how to set it up.

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Yea, they might be able to do some stuff that would come back on ya since it is your network and you would be held responsible since it isn't locked down..If you want, give me a call and I can swing buy and tighten it up for ya. I have a degree in networking.
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yes, you are vulnerable to being intruded by your dickheaded neighbor but before you put any security on there it's always funny to thank them for stealing your ISP by loading up their computer with all the nasty gay porn and anything else in between you can stomach to atleast load his computer with.
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Thanks for the responses, guys. After pissing with this for about an hour, (and some help from Microsoft.com's support section) I got it working properly with WEP enabled. I enabled it on the router, but couldn't get the laptop to connect... turns out the problem was with the "Wireless Zero configuration service". Turned it on automatic, put in my network key, all was well. Thanks again.
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