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Computer problems FTL


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Ok, here's the story. I hadn't bought a game in a long ass time, and decided I wanted to try a new one. I ended up buying X3: The Reunion at Best Buy yesterday for $30. Not bad IMO. I go home, and put the first of 6!! install CDs into the CD rom. Autorun starts, loads first CD fine, asks for second CD, it loads almost all the way, until I get an error at the end saying it can't find some damn MP3 file. So, I rename an MP3 song I had, to the name of the file it couldn't find, and put it in there myself. It then asks me to load disk 3. I do. But it does nothing from this point. It won't recognize a 3rd disk being there. I end up having to hit cancel, and it loads nothing onto my puter. I email the software company to tell them their install CDs are fucking junk. They send me a message back saying that they know there are problems with them (specifically the error at the end of disk 2), and tell me how to get around it. Ok, I'm on it. I try to start the install all over again with disk 1, but Autorun won't work. It keeps asking for me to load a disk into the CD drive. At this point I'm lost. Any ideas why it isn't seeing the disks now?


Stupid ass computers.

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