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Does anyone here NOT have their endorsement and wanting to take a course???

Anyone heard of the course that is being offered ad AD Farrow??? They give you your endorsement so that you can go to the bmv and get it on your license. It's kinda pricey, but it's more convenient and you don't have to wait till next season. I talked to the guy that offers the course, he told me that the more people willing to come in as a group, the bigger the discount for each person.


The days they thest are Thurs and Fri from 6-9 and Sat&Sun from 8-4 (all four days for certification).


If anyone is interested, let me know. There are 3 of us for sure right now. There is a class as early as April 27th. The next ones are May 4th and May 18th.




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When I did the MSF one of the instructors there was/is also an instuctor for Farrow. His comments were that he would probably not get involved with their program again due to the ammount of time spent on product endorsement versus actual instruction. Hence four days to cover what the BMV MSF covers in two. Aside from the significantly higher cost versus the BMV MSF. Still, its another way to get the instuction and up and riding.


Sorry for the thread crapping :(

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I took the course about 2 years ago. It was a little cheaper then. I had wanted to take the MSF course but it filled up pretty quickly and I would have had to wait the whole summer to take it. With the AD Farrow course I got in within a month. I had never been on a bike before and believe that I learned more from the AD Farrow course than the MSF course. My class was fun it was a bunch of older people (40-50's) but they were all nice. I was one of two to score perfect on the final tests. I recommend the class to anyone who has never been on a bike before. It may be pricey but well worth it.
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Wow, that is a rip. MSF course is only like $35 if that and it does the same thing. You shouldn't have a problem getting in, just call around. There is more than one place in OH to do it.... ;)



Yeah there is but if you take it out of state most won't trasnfer the voucher. I know MD doesn't at all and a lot of other states don't as well. Sounds good on paper in actuality doesn't work out so well.

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It doesn't have anything to do with the voucher. Either the state accepts the MSF course or it doesn't. It shouldn't matter where you complete it.....



Oh but you are wrong my friend very very wrong. Trust me I asked bc it was cheaper in VA and I could of gotten in sooner but it would not transfer so I paid more and waited longer.


Ohio may waive it but it depends from the BMV site.


"Q21: I have completed the Motorcycle Safety course in another state, what are my requirements to obtain a motorcycle endorsement in Ohio.



You will be required to contact Motorcycle Ohio at 1-800-837-4337 to see if the requirements of that state meet Ohio’s guidelines."



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Like I said "if the state accepts the MSF course then they will accept the card regardless of what state it is completed in." Some states approve of the MSF over the basic DMV requirements and some don't. It doesn't matter where it is completed AS LONG AS THE STATE ACCEPTS IT.


For instance Texas, Mississippi and Ohio accepted my MSF experienced riders card and Oregon didn't. It just depends on the state and if they accept the MSF requirements..... ;)

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Like I said "if the state accepts the MSF course then they will accept the card regardless of what state it is completed in." Some states approve of the MSF over the basic DMV requirements and some don't. It doesn't matter where it is completed AS LONG AS THE STATE ACCEPTS IT.


For instance Texas, Mississippi and Ohio accepted my MSF experienced riders card and Oregon didn't. It just depends on the state and if they accept the MSF requirements..... ;)



And I'm telling you that you are incorrect in that statement I specifically ASKED MD MVA if I could take it in VA and transfer it and they said no that I would still have to take the riding portion of the test but not the written. I took it in MD and just took my voucher into the MVA and got my M endorsement. What are you talking about Texas, Mississippi, and Ohio accepted your card but Oregon did not? That makes no sense bc once you have your "M" emdorsement you have it on your license therefore it transfers no matter which state you are in.

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And I'm telling you that you are incorrect in that statement I specifically ASKED MD MVA if I could take it in VA and transfer it and they said no that I would still have to take the riding portion of the test but not the written. I took it in MD and just took my voucher into the MVA and got my M endorsement. What are you talking about Texas, Mississippi, and Ohio accepted your card but Oregon did not? That makes no sense bc once you have your "M" emdorsement you have it on your license therefore it transfers no matter which state you are in.


That is what I have been trying to tell you the entire time. If you don't have the MSF card or the state doesn't accept it, then you have to take the local test, etc....


However, just because you have a M endorsement on your license does not mean you can just transfer it in a new state. They will make you retake the test UNLESS you have the MSF card which is what I have been talking about the entire time. If the state accepts the course (MSF card), that is all you need when going to get your license. (Show them the card and they give you the endorsement)


But.....some states don't accept the MSF card and will make you take the local written test/riding portion regardless IF YOU HAVE THE MSF CARD OR NOT. Which again is what I have been talking about the entire time. The state either accepts the MSF card as a completed motorcycle course or they don't....PERIOD!


I am not talking about the local DMV crap, that is none transferable....

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That is what I have been trying to tell you the entire time. If you don't have the MSF card or the state doesn't accept it, then you have to take the local test, etc....


However, just because you have a M endorsement on your license does not mean you can just transfer it in a new state. They will make you retake the test UNLESS you have the MSF card which is what I have been talking about the entire time. If the state accepts the course (MSF card), that is all you need when going to get your license. (Show them the card and they give you the endorsement)


But.....some states don't accept the MSF card and will make you take the local written test/riding portion regardless IF YOU HAVE THE MSF CARD OR NOT. Which again is what I have been talking about the entire time. The state either accepts the MSF card as a completed motorcycle course or they don't....PERIOD!


I am not talking about the local DMV crap, that is none transferable....



Sigh and I am telling you I took the MSF and it is both valid in VA and in MD and I HAD to take it in MD for it to be placed on my license. I could not take it in VA just bc it was cheaper and go to MD and get it on my license. Your misunderstanding what I was saying. You also once you have a endorsement on your license it transfers period, they can't not put it on there just because you didn't take the written or riding test in that state. If that was the case then you would have to take the driving test or written for a car as well.

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I would have gone to another DMV office if they were telling you that BS. Otherwise how is the MSF valid in both states if you HAVE TO TAKE IT IN MD for it to be placed on your license??? MD doesn't make sense...


Once again it depends on the state reference the endorsement transfering. I had to take the written test again for car and motorcycle in Oregon when I already had a Texas license with BOTH endorsements that were current. But in Ohio and Mississippi I didn't.....hmmm....!?!? They don't always transfer, every state is different.... ;)

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Well it does save ya some cash on insuance, and depending onn which bike you have, it could be worth it..


This is exactly our point in taking it. I don't have a clean driving record, neither does Eric. We have a busa and a 750. According to insurance they are class A and B bikes. 3 different insurance places didn't even cover busa's... so you can only imagine how expensive it is!!!

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You don't automatically get a discount bc you took the MSF course either. Some insurance companies offer the discount some do not depends on the company. State Farm does not but their rates are pretty good on bikes anyway.


+1. Compared to everywhere else, I was already getting a significant discount.


Simple fact is that the MSF should be taken by every rider. Is it necessary? No, but it is a very good idea, and it really is fun.

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Well, my insurance company offers a discount. FUCK state farm. They have my 750 currently, however, when the month is up, that is changing. They screwed me over. They told me that my policy was good to go, i wrote a check, signed the papers and they call me to tell me that they are going to TRIPPLE the cost bc they made a mistake (this is on the busa). The only reason they can't change the 750 was bc the mistake policy was in place for more than 30 days (it was in place for over a yr).


Got-busa... our cost is horrible. I have 2 speeding tickets on my license, don't own my own home or rent, under 25 and single. I've got everything going against me. We've got decent coverage (not full tho-on the busa) and it's an ok price. But it's still sad non the less.

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Just keep calling around and see what you can do. I would recommend USAA but if you aren't military or already have a motorcycle policy, they won't cover you. I have only paid around $600 a year for full coverage 50k/100k/50k with $250 deductable since I was 21. The funny thing is when I got married the BUSA went up $16....!?!?!


Makes no sense at all. I forgot who all the carriers were but find one that does it on the class and not the CC. A lot of places consider the BUSA a sport touring bike and it is MUCH....MUCH....less than any other GSXR model. Most other places hear 1299cc and just laugh. Another thing is they want all your business to cut you a rate on a bike. So you will probably have to switch everything (car, truck, renters, etc.) to get the rate. Good luck and don't give up on a deal.

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Just keep calling around and see what you can do. I would recommend USAA but if you aren't military or already have a motorcycle policy, they won't cover you. I have only paid around $600 a year for full coverage 50k/100k/50k with $250 deductable since I was 21. The funny thing is when I got married the BUSA went up $16....!?!?!


Makes no sense at all. I forgot who all the carriers were but find one that does it on the class and not the CC. A lot of places consider the BUSA a sport touring bike and it is MUCH....MUCH....less than any other GSXR model. Most other places hear 1299cc and just laugh. Another thing is they want all your business to cut you a rate on a bike. So you will probably have to switch everything (car, truck, renters, etc.) to get the rate. Good luck and don't give up on a deal.


State Farm goes off of cc, not what kind of bike it is. This can work both for or against you. Many insurers use classes, and any class that has 'sport' in it usually gets the screws stuck to it. Everyplace I checked, Allstate, Progressive, Geico were all at least triple for liability, what State Farm charges for full coverage on my bike. To top it off, when we switched to them, our insurance actually went down almost $40/month even with the additional cost of the bike included vs. what American Family (our previous insurer) was charging without the bike. And the coverage was MUCH better (like 4 times the coverage we did have).


They won't work for everyone - one of the reasons their rates are low is that they seem to be picky about who they insure. If you have at fault accidents or tickets, then they raise the rates accordingly because you are a risk.

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