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Guest Removed
obviously, they arent cheap. but at an expense like that, youd think that "wearing it out" wouldnt be possible in just one weekend, unless you did nothing but quarter mile pulls all weekend long. i cant say that i know much about that particular motor, but i have to say, if im plunking down 25 grizzle, it fucking better last me a little while.


of course i judge people on "teh intarweb", its not like i know you personally. i cant understand why people would be any different on here than in person, so why should i form a different opinion of them. ask anyone who knows me, im the same guy here as i am in person. chris green is ok in person, but hes a douchebag on here. i treat him like a douchebag all the time, because i dont seperate this shit. *shrug* be who you are all the time, and you shouldnt have issues with it.


as far as taking it somewhere else goes, im pretty sure thats what i was trying to convey to the "crazylady" who posted earlier. with all the money youre about to drop on this car, i wasnt sure youd be able to pony up for triple a, so i thought id offer. my bad.



Ok whatever :rolleyes: Why should i act any surtain way on here? Its the interweb, who care's! And if you remember, on the old board, you started the the asshat comment towards me! I had never done nothing to offend you in anyway, but in typicall cr fashion,you wanted too be the e-thug... i believe thats why your not a moderater anymore...I dont see anywhere on here where you help this board in anyway! I have never claimed any sort of being better then anyone else,and the only people on here that i take stab's at, are the one's i know! Do you even race? Most likely , No ...But who am i to judge! What you think of me, and what you know of me Fall in two different pile's...So stop tryying to think..


Im done with you.I'm not waisting my NON-tpying skill's on you...In fact, I think that was your whole issue with me to begin with, my lack of grammer!


BTW, with a motor like this, Having the tune-up wrong, can mean A big pile or over priced crap! And there is no way it's coming out, until i have it right!

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rob ill take pic of my dude dave's stang today and send u he is cleared to run high 7s with it, and he could but dont drive it on the street


p.s rob u know what mustang im taking about the 1 in buckeye lake with the 420 with a 250 shot he hasnt sprayed it yet but up intill 2 weeks ago he wasnt aloud to go faster then mid 9s and he was doing that with out spraying it

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Guest Removed

I still say he's going to break that stock block to bit's! or did he change it?


I found a couple of car's on rac junk, One's a hatch with a 598 on spray, the other is a notch with a 615ci motor on spray...I'm looking at it but he wont come off his $45,000 price... I offered him $35k cash, Im tryying to talk him down to $40k..Then paint it, to look like mine :grin2: But you know me, I wont be happy untill its done my way! That's way I just want to build mine!

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initially my issue with you was that you were stupid. i kind of hoped it would get better, but it hasnt, and now youre not only stupid, but arrogant about it. nice combo.


i didnt say you should act any way other than normal on here. no need to put up a facade. if youre a jerk, be a jerk. if youre a pothead, be a pothead. if youre smart, be smart. nothing complicated or fake about that. me, im a jerk. everywhere i go.


if i told you i raced, would you believe me? not that it matters much, but i do. get your car together, and ill even race you...two lanes over. you wouldnt be the first 1000+ hp car id run against on the street.

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Guest Removed

I wouldn't waist my time or money on you!



Me stupid, In the sence That i even waist my time with you !


If you think i'm stupid, thats your poor lack of judgement!


My self . I'm a smartass, Hard for you to believe, maybe. Do i care, NO!


The next question you need to ask yourself is. Being a fat jerk,with a over eating issue, selling cell phone's all day, can you even afford, to put down the money to race me. Most likelly NOT.

And Maybe one day, you'll stop judging people.. So pick the donut's out of your triple chin, put them back in your mouth, and STFU!

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And just who are you? And how do you think you know Rob? Rob will do anything for anybody, untill they piss him off... Which is not hard!



Rob did help me out on my mustang when i was stuck. And in general a pretty damn nice guy.


But orion anit fat. I'm fat :)

DJ a pimp +1

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Guest Removed
Rob did help me out on my mustang when i was stuck. And in general a pretty damn nice guy.


Thanks Bill!

And if I knew you sooner, I would have helped just as jimmy did!

<my trader rating reflects that!


P.s. crazy bitch made some more cookie's :D

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well, bill, its unfortunate that hes chosen to act ignorant via the web. you of all people should know that i dont mind giving people chances.


youd be suprised what i make hawking cell phones all day, son. and if youd like to compare rolls, im down for that too. i cant remember the last time i posted on cr asking for financial help, can you?


Me stupid, In the sence That i even waist my time with you !


quick, someone tell me whats funny about that.

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Guest Removed
well, bill, its unfortunate that hes chosen to act ignorant via the web. you of all people should know that i dont mind giving people chances.


youd be suprised what i make hawking cell phones all day, son. and if youd like to compare rolls, im down for that too. i cant remember the last time i posted on cr asking for financial help, can you?




quick, someone tell me whats funny about that.


thats good! the annul income in this house is close to $80k a year!Not counting my unclaimed income from all the side work i do!


So I asked for help, so..from time to time everyone need's a little help one way or the other! My old lady suck's when it comes to money.. I have fixxed the issue, by taking over. I did not want to touch my car money. But i had too a small amount! Most of the rest came from me busting my ass working on other people's junk! Is it my falt the bill's got fucked , yes. Cause i was to bizzy with my shit to care!


So you think you know me because of here? PLEASEEEEEE!

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Guest crazylady
well, bill, its unfortunate that hes chosen to act ignorant via the web. you of all people should know that i dont mind giving people chances.



I think you are the only one that think's Rob is stupid! Ive seen him do some crazy ass shit with car's, That other people said wouldnt work or could't be done! But he did it!


yeah he likes to get on here and act dumb to throw you guy's off!

But in his defence,His main problem is spelling, and typing! It just makes him look dumb!

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rob, youre putting words in my mouth. i said all i knew of you was what you are on cr, so thats the only info i have to base any opinion of you on. if youre any different in person, theres no way for me to know that. thorn says youre cool. you may very well be. i have yet to see it.


dont get defensive about money, rob. you brought it up. i was perfectly happy making fun of you for other stuff. for the record, my income will be just a little less than 80k this year, if things stay right where they are. the goal, however, is for things to not stay where they are.


heres hoping you get your car together. despite my low opinion of you, i totally support cr having more fast cars.

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Guest Removed
I think you are the only one that think's Rob is stupid! Ive seen him do some crazy ass shit with car's, That other people said wouldnt work or could't be done! But he did it!


yeah he likes to get on here and act dumb to throw you guy's off!

But in his defence,His main problem is spelling, and typing! It just makes him look dumb!



I am dumb, ask anyone you know, anyone! :rolleyes:

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Guest Removed
rob, youre putting words in my mouth. i said all i knew of you was what you are on cr, so thats the only info i have to base any opinion of you on. if youre any different in person, theres no way for me to know that. thorn says youre cool. you may very well be. i have yet to see it.


dont get defensive about money, rob. you brought it up. i was perfectly happy making fun of you for other stuff. for the record, my income will be just a little less than 80k this year, if things stay right where they are. the goal, however, is for things to not stay where they are.


heres hoping you get your car together. despite my low opinion of you, i totally support cr having more fast cars.


Dude, please dont start back pedaling! To be honest, I dont care what you think of me! Or anyone else for that matter! If i remember right, CR think's I'm a benchracer, and have a mullet! :rolleyes:

Do I talk alot of trash, yes! Can i be a asshole , YES!

Do you know me from here? NO. I have judged any one on here? NO

Just do the same! :p

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no backpedaling here. youre still stupid. at some point, youll just be stupid with a fast car. weve seen those guys before, too.


for the record, cr thinks youre stupid, too. despite what the lady may say.


Being a fat jerk,with a over eating issue, selling cell phone's all day, can you even afford, to put down the money to race me. Most likelly NOT.


wait a sec, did i miss something?


Do you know me from here? NO. I have judged any one on here? NO

Just do the same!


oh, my bad, i guess i read that wrong. you would never pass judgement over the internet, right?

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To be honest, I dont care what you think of me! Or anyone else for that matter!


what part of this, Do you not understand?

Can someone explain it for dumbass!

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Guest crazylady
People live to talk too much crap and not race. I put it this way rob no one will race the shitstang.



Dusty,We know this and I'm sure a few other's know this! We know how picky he is!


Who is the only person that does all of Brian and Amanda's stuff!

You know Rob will never stop His sandbagging! When He does go High 7's or whatever You know he'll tell everyone it only went 12's or some shit!

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number 1 when a shop tells you they dont know how to install a lader bar set up. 1st laugh then leave. number 2 if you are going to make 1500 than you had better be 25.5 certified which is only good to 7.50 and slower. which is what im building now too little less power with a t88. but close. build it how you want it. and thats it. if you want a 4 link rear with 7 way adj top and 5 way bottom then thats what u need. and it will deffinatly need to be build as a 7.50s car. so what is his main problem? i dont get it. you get a deal to build a fast safe car for the street guy is paying and has no problem paying and wants to give you shit. this is what id do. build it your way then go and make a pass quicker than him. that would do it. i am also having to build a 25.5 deal and add a chute and funny car cage in my street truck. but it will be about 2650 lb when done and on a 32x 14 slick. are you going with a turbo?
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And that the funny thing, he's here in ohio! He's got his car fabed up, but it got the wrong cage in it,IMO and a few other issues I guess he needs to fix! He's building a 572 A-headed engine, with some DR-3 procharger! He's going to blow thru the carb with no intercooler! Put thats what he want's! And I'm not going to start knocking on his plan's..He's cool and all, I may just buy the wolfe craft kit through him, and some other stuff, and then have someone else put it all together!


No , no turbos. Lot's of ci and some spray! With a C-headed combo, with a A-style tunnel ram, and the adapter's to make it work, with twin 1250 toilet's there making like 1100-1200 horse N/a..smack the glide in second and spray it!


I'm leaning toward tubular backhalf with a prostock type 4-link!

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