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STI 1 - Deer 0


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Well it finally happened driving around here at night. I killed a deer with my front end about an hour and a half ago. I was only going 25-30 MPH. I had just turned and shifted lightly into second when he or she just appeared out of the woods running and I got him with my passenger front side. He or she flew up in the air about 10 ft and then came down on the front end and continued to stop in the oncoming lane. I stopped and was attempting to slow traffic down and 3 cars almost wrecked trying to avoid it in the road. No airbags went off. This was on Cubbage Rd between Central College and Walnut Rd. It was very dark, no streetlights. I drove it home, no fluids leaking and car seems to drive fine. Here are the pics: (Good Body Shops?)






First thing Blendon Township asked was "Do you want the Deer?"

I started to laugh and asked if this was a normal question and he said yep driver get dibs! I said um if I brought that home I would be in a lot of trouble. No thanks, he said another deputy was comming to get it. :lol:


I feel bad I killed Bambi, I don't think it was that big or very old of a deer.

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A deer ran into my passenger door on cubbage. I was driving down the road minding my own business when a big black dog runs out chasing a little deer. I slamed on the brakes and put the car sideways and the deer just ran straight into my door. Worst part is, a nice dent and the deer just got up and ran off with the dog still chasing it. On the plus side, your car doesn't look too bad.
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Guest 12sec94z

dude what would do is go to car-parts.com and look for a white front end, and do the work your self. I was hit in my camaro and the estimate was 3,400. I got a white front end for 500 and ended up fixing fror a grand total of about 600 bucks.


If you decide to go with a body shop my buddy owns one in groveport. Charlies auobody. He does excellant work and give fair prices.



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LOL, lovin' the tuft of deer fur sticking out... what you need to do is drive it around the mall about 500 times near Christmas like that with a "Have you seen Rudolph?" sign on the hood...


Thanks man I needed a good laugh! :lol:


My luck keeps getting sweeter, I live on the Little Turtle Golf Course, and yesterday and guy and his son tee off on the hole I live on, and pow his son put one through our living room window. The guy was very responsible and his ins. guy called us lastnight about 4 hrs after the woindow was broken. SO we will be getting that fixed too. Sheesh, what's next, I'm flying to Paris and Italy in 2 weeks maybe I should cancel.......

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Damn deer are everywhere around Hoover Res. I used to drive Big Walnut, Aka "Deer Alley" everyday when I worked at Polaris. I would see deer almost everyday where Big Walnut dead ends onto Sunbury Rd. It looks like you got away with minimal damage. Sorry about your luck man, you may want to postpone that vacation.
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Guest 12sec94z

by looking at the pics i would say that a slide hammer would get your core support back to where it need to be. My hit was an explorer on the corner of the car (more so on the side) That really messed up my core support. About 12 hours of work later and beating shit with a hammer and slide hammer i am back to new! Yay!!!!



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