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sadly..... he has a point of how we can lower the prices


if we use less gas i.e.

go fewer places, drive the sedan and not the SUV when we don't have the whole family with us, carpool just to name a few


this will intern leave more gas to be bought causing more gas supply with less demand and move prices down


although it still does not justify the fact that he and HIS peers are greedy assholes that could lower the prices AT WILL

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The most the oil companies can lower prices is 6-8%, that is thier profit margin. Just so hapens they sell shit tons of it, and due to the volume, they make a large amount.

To expect a company to take no profit for thier product is insane. (BTW, Coca-Cola has an average margin of 20%, a dollar store usually has about a 5% margin.)

Want to drop gas prices? drop the taxes we pay on it. The gov takes on average $.69 on the gallon, and dosent even have a hand in the prodution other than regulating the makeup and giving the EPA a set of teeth to prevent exploration and any new refineries from being built.

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