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Paypal Complaint

Kevin R.

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If I file a complaint with PayPal for money sent to an Ebay seller, who did not send my item, does this usually get refunded?


First time I have ever had to do this, and although it isn't more than 20$ in cash, the seller sucks.


Just wondering what action will be taken.



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you have to wait like 30 days i think it is after the complaint is filed then they try to contact the seller and they have 10 days to respond with their side if they don't respond u get your money......had to go through it a while back it sucks and takes forever and a day
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A friend attempted to buy an electric razor on ebay and the person who sold it never sent the Item and took the money. She did this with about 13-14 other people also. He was one of the first to purchase. He waited 30 days, paypal refunded some of the money and my friend got the info of the seller from paypal or ebay which ever was handeling the case. He called the shreiff where she lived and he went out and found her. He gave her 30 days to pay the money back to everyone because my friend gave all the sheriff all the user names that got shafted. (They left negative feedback in that time frame.) She didn't pay and now she is in a corectional facility. However my friend only got some of his money back, like 80%. However she scammed about $2000 out of people so maybe $20 will amount to nothing.
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don't mess with paypal, if you used a credit card through your paypal account, call the credit card company and dispute the charge. It is a pain in the ass getting money back from pay pal
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Im in the same boat right now...I sent the guy 325 for a valentine1 radar detector. Ive emailed him daily and he has not responded. I got his contact info from ebay and the number he gave them is disconnected. He has zero feedback but has been a member for a year. I need to wait a couple of more days to file a complaint. It really sucks, I learned my lesson.
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I wish I had used a credit card. Paypal made me get verified when I wanted to send money for my motorcycle. Now they take it from my bank account, they make you select the credit card to get it applied to the credit card. I forgot to change it and they pulled it directly from my bank account.
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I believe Paypal only refunds the price minus $25, so it doesn't sound worth the trouble. I filed a complaint about a year ago on a ~$125 item and got ~$100 back. Don't know if they have changed that poilcy, or if it differs based on the amount. It does take a while though, as already mentioned. As far as bank transfers go, you can also complain to the bank and they will usually reverse the transaction. Your paypal account will go negative when that happens, so don't plan on using it until everything is settled.
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My paypal claim was resolved in like 10 days..It depends on if the seller tries to defend himself. They instantly disable the sellers account and send an email asking for an explanation. My seller never replied, so I got refunded. They are a good company for backing sales....+1 Paypal.
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Well, this is a very known seller on Ebay. They have over 2000 feedback. Although they are mostly positive, if you read through it (futureofneon) there are others who were sent nothing as well.


So, I do not think this seller will jump off of Ebay because of one mishap, as it has happened before obviously. Paypal seems to be handling it. I did not have to wait 30 days for it to begin. The minute I filed the complaint the seller had 10 days to respond, which they have not done yet.


I hope it isn't the purchase price - $25, because then I will get nothing back....

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