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Yes, sailing is cool

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6 knots? are you drunk my good sir?

get 20-25mph winds with the keel down all the way, the genowa up and yove got atleast 13-14knots..GPS is a handy tool. concerning 15knots and above, not all the time every year bu we almost certainly have hit it in the 8years weve had it on errie.


and as far as your parents boat not breaking 8, you might want to change who is at the helm...that should be a fast boat.


You my friend are wrong and now I’m going to tell you why.




Theoretical Max Hull speed on a 25ft wing keel Catalina is 6.2 knots; you’re trying to tell me that you have more than doubled that. Yes it’s possible to go faster than the theoretical hull speed (adding more sail) but not much more. Sail boats displace water and do not glide across it like a catamaran. http://www.catalinayachts.com/yachts.cfm?act=model&id=17&link=spec



The Catalina is a cruiser not a racer and has always been that way. that 25ft Catalina has a sail area of 265 sq ft and the S2 has 329 sq I would be more than happy to race your in my parents S2 and show you how slow it really is. I’ve sailed and raced my different types of boats. Like I said before I spent every weekend for 20 years of my life sailing and I also taught lessons for 3 years. Do you really think I didn’t race?? My first boat was a Flying Scot then my Nacra.

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The Catalina is a cruiser not a racer and has always been that way. that 25ft Catalina has a sail area of 265 sq ft and the S2 has 329 sq I would be more than happy to race your in my parents S2 and show you how slow it really is. I’ve sailed and raced my different types of boats. Like I said before I spent every weekend for 20 years of my life sailing and I also taught lessons for 3 years. Do you really think I didn’t race?? My first boat was a Flying Scott then my Nacra.


be careful, you know hes got spray on that thing.

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be careful, you know hes got spray on that thing.

From a dig, that pig will need it. ;)


I can see the possibility for the Catalina exeeding 6 knots. 16-17 mph realy isn't all that fast, I wouldn't have a hard time beleiving it could be done at 1/2 wind speed. the question is, since he claims GPS on the Catalina, we should slap it on the s2 in a 20mph breeze. You may be underestimating the S2. Rig up a trap, I'll loan you a harness. :cool:

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From a dig, that pig will need it. ;)


I can see the possibility for the Catalina exeeding 6 knots. 16-17 mph realy isn't all that fast, I wouldn't have a hard time beleiving it could be done at 1/2 wind speed. the question is, since he claims GPS on the Catalina, we should slap it on the s2 in a 20mph breeze. You may be underestimating the S2. Rig up a trap, I'll loan you a harness. :cool:


the catalina will not do 15 knots.


my parents S2 will cruise all day at 6 knots in a mild breeze but with my father, mother, and me for ballest it has trouble exceeding 8 knots in strong wind.

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So your argument is, no matter what the conditions, the swing keel cruiser wont go that fast because it will capsize first, or lean to the point that the wind no longer works.


Of course, there is a way around that, if you're willing to risk the life of your spars. ;)

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So your argument is, no matter what the conditions, the swing keel cruiser wont go that fast because it will capsize first, or lean to the point that the wind no longer works.


Of course, there is a way around that, if you're willing to risk the life of your spars. ;)



What i am saying this there is a max hull speed. where the boat will not go any faster than that speed under wind power. capsize/broche/rigging failure/not enough sail; there are many things to take into effect and a catalina is not made for speed, it is a great handling and cruising boat.

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a catalina is not made for speed.

nothing with a beam 1/3 its length is. :p


You guys are in troubl now, I've finished a prototype for the Zuma project....a scale prototype.....thats not meant to function....at all.


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