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Ricky Bobby

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AK-47? AK-74? Or more than likely an SKS, since the rest are millitary only, and full auto.

If it is one of the latter, ill through 400 bones at you for a full auto Ruskie rifle.

Single shot accuracy is decent on these, and bursts are controllable with practice. Full auto streams can get a bit squirly though.

If you get a full auto AK, I hope you have a federal license. Federal Prison has horrible food, so I am told and very grumpy roommates.

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Ha, youre kidding right? They suck unless youre about 30 yards away. Most reliable, bust most inaccurate.

Just like anything else, it depends on the manufacturer and the shooter. Some AKs are shit and are not accurate. Some AKs are made from good parts kits and are pretty accurate. I have a red-dot scope on my AK and can hit shit from very far away and I am not even a good shot. I have tight groupings at 50 plus yards away... easy.


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Just like anything else, it depends on the manufacturer and the shooter. Some AKs are shit and are not accurate. Some AKs are made from good parts kits and are pretty accurate. I have a red-dot scope on my AK and can hit shit from very far away and I am not even a good shot. I have tight groupings at 50 plus yards away... easy.


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i know for a fact that this ak is accurate..i bought it brand new from buckeye outdoors and then traded it to moody for a gun he had. i used this gun to shoot tannerite at around 100yds with open sights.

edit: moody put a better/more picture of the ak on here...pic you posted is shitty as hell.

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