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GAC 4..The Details (Great American Cruise #4, May 21st, 8am)


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Looks like our Official Start point will be MD Motorsports!!

MD Motorsports

10720 Makro Dr. Suite A

Cincinnati, OH 45241






Sunday May 21th, 8am start arriving


When dropping off Donation, get a Window Flag to Fly Proudly.

(I only could get around 80 this time around, so if you have your old one from a previous GAC, please bring it.)


Fire up your Vehicle, turn on the Lights and follow the guy in front of ya!!

We leave at 10am.


Stay in line and smile when the camera cars pass you.


We encountered some traffic jams in the rear of the pack, so Please, STAY ALERT!!! Try to maintain a steady MPH.


We will head North on I-75 to I-675 then around I675 to the WPAFB. (Col. Glenn exit.)

We will gather in the WPAFB parking Lot for pictures and a "cool down" period.


We usually watch the IMAX then tour the Museum for an hour or two. (depending on how hungry the Kids are)

Then head over to our Favorite Restaurant.

Quaker Steak & Lube.

You guys then know the rest



The Donations:




Tooth paste

Toilet Paper

Baby Wipes

Female products

Shaving Creme


Phone Cards

I heard AT&T were the ones to get.


Powdered Drinks (Pre Sweetened)


Kool Aid


Any flavored mix is good....


Tuna and Tuna kits

Nacho cheese in a can

Torangos or Pringles

Ritz crackers

Hard candy and Suckers

Wheat Thins

Pop Tarts

Drink Mix (Crystal Light and Gatorade)


Decks of cards



Sun Screen



A lot of them have portable DVD players so we sent DVDs too. Books, puzzles, puzzle books, electronic games (solitaire, poker, etc) are all good things to send because when they are off duty they don't have much to do.


Just about anything YOU think you could use while you are in the Wilderness would probably be a Good thing.

If you have any questions please ask.


Thanks again for your support!


If you have anymore questions, please call the store.





Also, Last year the Freight got pretty expensive due to all the extra weight. So please keep the items light and easy to pack, AND something that will survive the Military's Postal system

I believe one of our "sponsered" soldiers care package was all banged up last year, and I dont want that to happen again


Cincy Speed

(513) 821-2221

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