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Bush on Immigration

Guest FrancesTheMute

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Also, to those of you who do vote (like myself) on a regular basis, Senator DeWine is coming up for re-election this November and is very pro-immigration. If you look up his voting record you will see that he is a big supporter of increasing the number of cheap workers, voting FOR a guest-worker program, and is FOR letting the illegals in this country stay. I will be voting against him this November. I hope those of you who feel the way I do on immigration (that we basically need to secure the borders 100%, toss out illegals, and cut DOWN on immigration as we're already overpopulated) will vote as well.
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Also, to those of you who do vote (like myself) on a regular basis, Senator DeWine is coming up for re-election this November and is very pro-immigration. If you look up his voting record you will see that he is a big supporter of increasing the number of cheap workers, voting FOR a guest-worker program, and is FOR letting the illegals in this country stay. I will be voting against him this November. I hope those of you who feel the way I do on immigration (that we basically need to secure the borders 100%, toss out illegals, and cut DOWN on immigration as we're already overpopulated) will vote as well.



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Quick search on google yields this:



Haven't researched it much but there is also these two sites, which looks like it shows voting records for him, among others.



Very useful to research any candidate.

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