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Here's a funny email I got:







I received this from a friend in D.C.



Immigration and Naturalization Service.


I have a friend who is president of his homeowner's association in

Washington. They are having a terrible problem with trash on the side of the road that is around his association's homes.The reason according to Wallace (my friend) are, there is being built just next to them, six new homes.....big




Wallace said the trash is coming from the Mexican work crews working at the construction sites. (McDonald Bags, Burger King trash, etc). He has pleaded with the site supervisors and the general contractor to no avail, called the City,County, the Police and got no help. So..................guess what some people in his community did?


They organized about twenty folks, named themselves The "Inner Neighborhood Services" to go out at lunch time and "police" the trash themselves. It is what they did while picking up the trash that is HILARIOUS !!!!!!!!


They got some navy blue baseball caps and had the initials "INS" in gold put

on the caps. It doesn't take a rocket scientist, however, to understand what they hoped people would think it means.


Well the day after their first pick up detail, with them wearing their caps

and some carrying cameras, 46 out of 68, of the construction workers did not show up for work the next morning!!!!!!!!.............and haven't come back yet! It has been ten days.


Now the General Contractor, I understand is madder than hell, but can't say

anything publicly, because he could be busted for hiring "illegal aliens".

Wallace and his bunch can't be accused of impersonating INS folks, because

they have it on their home owner association records the vote to form the new committee within their association, plus they informed the INS about what they were doing in advance, and the INS said basically according to

Wallace.............."have at it"!

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I wish someone would do that in my neighborhood! However on a serious note..I saw on a tv program or read somewhere that unless you have WRITTEN permission for things like that that it could be illegal if it is inferring that you are of a law enforcement agency. It may have been in the ebay sellers rules, because they prohibit selling badges, hats, shirts, uniforms, jackets, ID's and more even if you state that they are reproductions or for agencies that no longer exist. That being said..I applaud your friend, illegals need to be put on a cattle train like Hitler used for the Jewish people and taken back to their country as soon as they are caught. There is a process to follow to become a citizen and it needs to be followed. We have too many people unemployed because these people will work under the table for $5/hour and no taxes are witheld.
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We have too many people unemployed because these people will work under the table for $5/hour and no taxes are witheld.

Says who? Honestly, how many unemployed people do you know who would jump at the chance to go down to Cali and spend 12+ hours a day bent over picking strawberries? Now, how many folks do you know lost a job because of someone coming in from India or China on an H1-B? I'm willing to bet most of these so-called job "losses" are not being lost at all because frankly, every person I know would turn their nose up and call that sort of work beneath them. The real losses are coming in the skilled trades (car mechanics and assembly line workers, folks who can't be replaced by day laborers) because of short-sighted management and government policy, and information fields (sciences degree required) because of outsourcing or "guest" worker invitation.


While I'll agree with you that they all ought to be sent back home and forced to do things the legal way, let's get real. The sheer logistics of rounding up 12 million people and shoving them across some line on a map just isn't a worthwhile pursuit when we're running record deficits, easy oil is on a rapid decline, two countries are clamoring for nukes while we're distracted by a third that wasn't anywhere close, and our elected government is bringing us ever closer to living in 1984.

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Stop anding out welfare, people will eventually become employed again.


As far as sending them home, all 12 million of them, is worthwhile. Its more than a line on a map, there is also a river there.


Also, easy oil is not on the decline. We just have the EPA in our way. Mexico is finding plenty of oil in the Gulf, and ANWR hasn't even been touched. To bad we cant drill either without a tree hugger getting bent out of shape.


BTW, you seem to be an expert at saying what is wrong, what is your plan to chage it? And dont say voting out bush. Thats not a plan, and he cant run again anyway.

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What's my plan?


Number one: Get every single frackin lobbyist out of Washington. There's a reason politicians pander to lobbyists, and it's a simple five-letter word. Greed. See any number of articles related to Jack Abramoff. Of course they'll whine about restriction of free speech, but let's be real. They aren't speaking, they're bribing.


Number two: Pass a constitutional amendment to provide the president with line item veto. I don't even want to think about how much money can be trimmed from the budget if the president, regardless of who holds the office, had the ability to cross off individual items instead of having to deep-six the entire thing. There's no way Bush is going to veto a popular spending measure, so all sorts of unrelated crap (like Alaska's "Bridge to Nowhere") gets attached to it. See http://www.forbes.com/business/2006/05/18/katrina-pork-storm-cz_em_0518pork.html. While it may not eliminate the deficit, it'll at least be a start in right direction. Sad that a Democrat with a coochie-soaked cigar could run a surplus, while a supposedly conservative Republican can't.


Third: Term limits. The longer someone's in power, the more likely it is they'll be tainted. Democrats held Congress through much of the 80s until '94, when they collapsed in spectacular fashion amidst crap like bounced checks. Now we see this happening all over again. We elect people to serve *OUR* interests, not those of the best funded lobby. Not only that, but term limits forces higher turnover, reducing the number of favors congresscritters call on to get their pork passed.


Number four: This is gonna take a while, but we *need* at least a third, and preferably a fourth or even fifth party. The two-party system as we know it results in a lesser-of-evils situation where we're left to pick our poison, rather than what we really want. My general leaning is conservative, which means my only option is Republican. But right now, they're pissing me off bigtime by getting into things which the fed has absolutely no business touching (like their brash charge to "save" Terry Schiavo). They've also, for the past five years, been pretty much a rubber stamp to anything and everything King George wants, leading to domestic spying, stupid policies (No Child Left Behind, which has turned out to be a dismal failure), and tax cuts where they aren't needed. So despite my hatred for liberal tree-hugging hippies, unless the Libertarians have someone on the ballot this fall, I'm voting (with full bio-suit protection) Democrat.


Number five: All surplus money must, by law, be used to pay down the debt. Can you imagine any bank allowing you to run up the kind of deficit that the fed has? Or even better, telling you "Hey, because you've exceeded your credit limit numerous times, we're going to give you even more credit despite no indication you've brought your spending down"? How long will it be until we're spending so much on interest that we can't even pay the principal anymore? Sound familiar? Yep, it's just like all those folks with "interest only" mortgages who are going to be underwater when the time comes to meet their balloon payment.



Finally, no matter what anyone says, easy oil *is* on the decline. Sure, there's a couple pockets we haven't tapped yet, but eventually they will be no matter what the greenpeace folks try, and then they too will be gone. There's only so much of the stuff in the ground, and soccer moms are pissin it away in their Hummers and Escalades. Do you really think this sudden breakthrough with Libya is coincidence? We need their oil, they need our cash. Nothing but motivated self-interest there.

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