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It doesn't matter if she's claiming in when it's not due to her in logical terms. Legally she is not (was not) of age to be responsible for her own actions in a situation like that. Also it happened in a work place enviorment, even if the girl was 30 and that happened, it's still wrong.


I'm not saying she's not stupd, I think she's just as dumb as the others, but she was still the victim.


I agree. Though I feel the term 'legal age' gets thrown about a bit too much considering people around the world have differing 'legal age' limits as well as the fact people mature at varying degrees. She is old enough to know what's right and what's not.

This does not apply directly to you, Trouble Maker. Especially since you specified that legally she isn't repsonsible for her own actions. This whole thing was screwed up and the 'adults' there should be held responsible. Their punishment among the normal punishments: No longer allowed to reproduce. That's right, stupidity shouldn't be allowed to multiply. That is, if they didn't know what was going on the whole time.

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ROFL. That is so messed up. Figured it would happen in KY or WV..lol


Seriously though. Who the hell is going to do that only talking to someone on the phone. I would have hung up on the idiot.

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