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To everyone going to see X-Men 3


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It was over rated! And the clip at the end is like 3 seconds long.

Yeah my friend was about shitting his pants at the end. I was at lennox and had, had enough of sitting next to jumbo and his loud mouthed girlfriend so I left and my friend wouldn't shut up about how I so missed out after the credits. I could give a fuck less.

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God damnit, X men was on a roll. 1=good, 2=better, 3=....crap? :( This one had a new director, the origional was buisy doing Superman. Guess they should have waited. The reviews make it sound like a pointless action movie, devoid of the social relevence thats made the X Men great for 30 years.


" A dazzling movie about fireball car missles, a guy that can turn into a killer-quiller porcupine, and accepting others different from us."

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