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Computer Problem


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At the moment I'm building a computer. The specs on it are


ASUS K8V-X SE motherboard

2gb of Corsair Ram DDR 400

AMD 64 Athlon 3400

Geforce 6800gt 256 megs (AGP)


Ok, my issue is this. I've got everything connected properly, when I turn on the computer all of the lights light up, and everything runs smooth, minus the fact that my monitor goes into sleep mode because it doesn't recognize my video card. I know that I have to go into the BIOS to make it so it doesn't go to onboard video (which btw there doesn't seem to be a slot for, or at least one that my monitor can plug into).


My question is this... If there is no onboard video slot capable for my monitor to plug into, how can I possibly get into the bios of my system to make it so my geforce card will be recognized?


Perhaps I'm overlooking something, but please any help would be appreciated.


I've tried reconnecting my monitor chord to the video card, but that came to no avail. I've tried reconnecting the video card to the motherboard, but once again my monitor went from missing signal to sleep mode as soon as I plugged it in. I've also unplugged all of the chords from my video card and let them reset for 20 minutes and retried it, but to no avail.


If anyone has any opinion on what may be the problem, please leave a message. At the moment I'm out of ideas, so anything is welcome. Thanks.

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The geforce is a known good card. It was working in my previous system.


I guess I'll try pushing it down harder, although I've done this quite a few times.


I agree with you guys though, it should work, but it just doesn't seem to be working. lol

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sounds to me like you might have fried your processor. also is the computer beeping at all when you turn it on? there should be atleast 1 beep, if there is more then 1 then you have another problem. if there are no beeps, then i would say that you fried your processor.
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Something else you might want to look at (just occured to me)- Make sure you have all of the proper leads from the power supply plugged in. I have done so many builds previous AMD models that I don't look at diagrams and just immediately tie off all of the P4 leads and various other parts of the power supply harness that I "don't need". On my first Athalon 64 build, after having some similar issues to what you describe, I finally looked at the manual for the MB and discovered there was an aditional plug from the power supply that I had never needed before. It was acting kind of like a dead processor (unresponsive - no beeps) - but b/c it is apparently powered off it's own plug and was not plugged in.
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Yeah, your problem probably has nothing to do with the video card. Does the machine POST (give you a startup beep?)


I just had the same problem the other day when I popped in a new hard drive. I had to remove the jumper that sets it as master or slave.

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The machine does not beep.


Also, another thing that I noticed today was that my cd rom/dvd burner drives do not light up at all when I power on the computer.


My friend brought his comp over and we plugged one of my cd rom drives into his power source and it lit up green, so the problem isn't with the cd/dvd rom drives.


I don't think the processor is fried because it is a brand new processor and the problems have occured since the very minute I had the comp hooked up and running.

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There's a 4 pin power connector a few inches to the right of the PS/2 connectors. Make sure that is plugged in. Also make sure your RAM, CPU, HDD, and VGA card are all seated fully. Unplug any and all CD/DVD rom drives, and see if it will post then.


Why did you go with a socket 754?

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