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Illegal License Plates


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About 2 weeks ago I recieved a ticket at 11pm for riding with illegal plates. I legitimatally bought the car from a private owner and he put on some old temp plates for me to drive with so I could atleast have something on there. I've been busy with work so I didn't have time to get plates on it. I had insurance when I was stopped and the officer found that the title of my car had been signed off but not notarized for me yet. The problem is that the plates on the car weren't to that car. I registered and got new plates for my car the very next morning of being stopped. I'm getting nervous about my hearing in court because the penalties can include jail time and up to $250 in fines. Knowing my story what do you guys think the outcome will be? This was Dublin City police btw in case it matters. Would they really send me to jail for a 4 point misdemeanor?
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You shouldn't of driven with the plates on the car, why didn't you just get a temp tag from the BMV before you bought the car? Being busy with work isn't going to fly in court I can tell you that. If you say that you're basically telling the judge you were aware it needed attention but were too busy or to lazy and irresponsible to get it done.


If you did use his plates to drive it home you should not have driven it until you got valid tags on it. Is it your first offense? Are you going to have a lawyer?

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Honestly I thought there was some 30 day grace period when it came to titles. I wasn't putting it off like I knew I had nothing. I've never recieved a ticket for anything before and have never been to court. If they wanted to put me in jail wouldnt the officer just have arrested me on the spot? Also, the officer wrote on the back of the ticket that he recomend it be dismissed as long as I got it registered by the court date. How often do they follow the officer's recomendatio?
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Guest powers
there is no grace, that is what a temp tag is sold for in ohio. You will get 2 pts and pay a 80 dollar fine plus court costs for failure to display proper registration. Just make sure your insurance info was lined up, otherwise you will have a fun time in court.
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there is no grace, that is what a temp tag is sold for in ohio. You will get 2 pts and pay a 80 dollar fine plus court costs for failure to display proper registration. Just make sure your insurance info was lined up, otherwise you will have a fun time in court.

How sure are you that will be my panalty? I just don't want to go to jail. And I did have insurance.

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I got a "failure to control" ticket when I was young(17 years old).I took my Dad and his friend who is a Lawyer with me because I had to got to court since I was a minor.The "Judge" said maximum penalty $1000.00 and 6 months in jail.I was scared to death.My Dads friend walked up to the bench and they wispered back and forth a little while and I walked out paying nothing with the ticket getting thrown out.The maximum is always a lot worse than what you get.
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Guest powers
How sure are you that will be my panalty? I just don't want to go to jail. And I did have insurance.

i am 70% sure that will be the case, but i am sure we do not know 100% of the facts. Based on what you posted that is what will happen. So you had THAT vin insured on THAT day but no plates or proper title? I hope that is the case other wise you will get pounded. Most of the time jail is only something they give to repeat offenders.

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Yes, I had insurance on the vin number of my car I bought. I bought it legally I just left the tags from the last guy on the car because I'm a moron. Also, I have no negative background at all, I'm a safe driver and have no offenses. Would this help me a little?
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Yes, anytime an officer made a suggestion in my favor, the court usually followed it. If you go to court well dressed and be very respectful, you'll make a good impression and probably stay out of jail. When he asks what you have to say just tell him the truth and that you made a mistake and have learned from it.
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Guest onomatopoeia
i remember I got pulled over in my camaro with my saturn license plates on it and only got a ticket for "driving off road" and :technical term for chirping tires:
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there is no grace, that is what a temp tag is sold for in ohio. You will get 2 pts and pay a 80 dollar fine plus court costs for failure to display proper registration. Just make sure your insurance info was lined up, otherwise you will have a fun time in court.

I'm almost 100% sure this is it, if not I apologize. But I'm pretty damn sure.

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Honestly I thought there was some 30 day grace period when it came to titles. I wasn't putting it off like I knew I had nothing. I've never recieved a ticket for anything before and have never been to court. If they wanted to put me in jail wouldnt the officer just have arrested me on the spot? Also, the officer wrote on the back of the ticket that he recomend it be dismissed as long as I got it registered by the court date. How often do they follow the officer's recomendatio?


There is only a 30 day grace period if you are transferring plates from one veh that you OWN to a new veh. The plates have to be registered to you

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this being your first offense of any sort they probly follow the officers reco, it may cost you court costs but cross your fingers for a LEASON learned will probly be the judges statement. Cops can look at the back round and give good feedback to the judge, like the one on my freinds ticket "cocky ass young punk" lol... he got the maximun fine allowed... probly still the best thing to date i have ever seen on a ticket.
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A little trick I found out while in court with a friend...if a cop wants to scare the crap out of you and put you through the motions with no chance of you getting any fine or points is they will initial the ticket instead of sign the ticket. They are required to sign their full legal signature for the ticket to be upheld in court. The Judge told us, and him that. Also, if you have a friend that looks ALOT like you, take them along, the officer is required to make a positive ID of you, if he can't it get's tossed. btw..have the friend hold onto your summons and act scared and nervous...for effect.
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Also, if you have a friend that looks ALOT like you, take them along, the officer is required to make a positive ID of you, if he can't it get's tossed. btw..have the friend hold onto your summons and act scared and nervous...for effect.


That is the dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard in my life.


You know how they make a positive I.D. on you? When they fucking pull you over and you give them your drivers license, insurance, registration, etc.

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Okay, so should I plead guilty or not? I am definately guilty of the charge but I was told by the court's clerk that I can't explain myself or the fact that I corrected the mistake unless I plead not guilty.
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Guest powers
Okay, so should I plead guilty or not? I am definately guilty of the charge but I was told by the court's clerk that I can't explain myself or the fact that I corrected the mistake unless I plead not guilty.

If you plead not guilty you get to say nothing because that is an arraignment only. They will then set a court date where the court will hear your side and decide guilty or innocent.


If you plea no contest, that is not an admission of guilt but that you are not disputing that facts that are presented to the court and the judge will ask you if you have anything to say before he/she finds you guilty or innocent.


Guilty is an admission of guilt and that you understand you are waiving your right to a trial or defend yourself. So this way there is nothing for you to say becasue you said I did it.


So if you are not pleading innocent and do not want to have it held over for trial (which if you do this and cannot PROVE you were not in violation of that law you may get the max for wasting the courts time) and you are not pleading guilty becasue you want to explain yourself and get the whole thing over with, you will plea no contest and the judge will ask if you have anything to say that would effect how they find you (guilty or innocent).


Any modification to the charges need to be made with the prosecutor in advance of your appearance with the judge. Once that charge is in front of the judge you will have a difficult time altering the charges.

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If you plead not guilty you get to say nothing because that is an arraignment only. They will then set a court date where the court will hear your side and decide guilty or innocent.


If you plea no contest, that is not an admission of guilt but that you are not disputing that facts that are presented to the court and the judge will ask you if you have anything to say before he/she finds you guilty or innocent.


Guilty is an admission of guilt and that you understand you are waiving your right to a trial or defend yourself. So this way there is nothing for you to say becasue you said I did it.


So if you are not pleading innocent and do not want to have it held over for trial (which if you do this and cannot PROVE you were not in violation of that law you may get the max for wasting the courts time) and you are not pleading guilty becasue you want to explain yourself and get the whole thing over with, you will plea no contest and the judge will ask if you have anything to say that would effect how they find you (guilty or innocent).


Any modification to the charges need to be made with the prosecutor in advance of your appearance with the judge. Once that charge is in front of the judge you will have a difficult time altering the charges.

Okay, so if you were in my position, what would you do? I don't have the money for a lawyer so it's all up to me. I want to know what you would do and what you think would have the least penalties (jail time/fines.)

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Guest powers
Okay, so if you were in my position, what would you do? I don't have the money for a lawyer so it's all up to me. I want to know what you would do and what you think would have the least penalties (jail time/fines.)

Just go in a plead no contest. First thing out of your mouth is I'm sorry.


The appology is a very important thing and dress and act VERY repsectfull.

When the judge asks you if there was anything that you would like to say just say you were under the impression that you had 30days to take car of the matter. You know know that is not the case and you rectified the situation the following day and have proofwith you incase he askes to see it. As long as you SPEAK UP and don't mumble like some 2 but hoodlum "ride'in dirty" you will be fine. Let him know you are prepared to pay your fine that day and close with ANOTHER apology.

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Guest pf2neon

It was really his car when you got pulled over if the title was not notorized yet.

Just make sure to dress well and say you now know that what you did was wrong that is why you fixed it the next day. I'm sure your going to be ok. Usally if you can't pay the whole amount that day they will make you a payment plan.


Good Luck

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Does the court have documentation with them to see I have no offenses ever? Will it help me at all if I mention that and that I made a true mistake? Do you guys think they'll give me any jail time?
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