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Computer shutting off willy-nilly

Science Abuse

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If it's Socket A (Original AMD Athlon up through Athlon XP 3200+), I've got four HSF combos (one's a water block) you're welcome to take for nothing more than whatever it costs us to meet up and maybe have a beer over.
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if its overheating there should be a alram going off (as as your case has a internal speaker) after it shuts down can you boot it right back up if so how long will it run once booted back up. does it shut down when setting idle or when in use. lastly is the case warmerthan normal and is the PC store bought or a custome build>
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Megaman, I've actually got an entire watercooling setup I'm trying to unload, had it in 'Garage Sale' a month ago, here: http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24906


Everything is in perfect working order, I just switched that computer back to air-cooled so I could give it to my sister without her having to deal with an aquarium pump hanging off the side. I've also got a crapload of plastic elbows, and can give you a hand hooking it all up if needed.

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my power supply fan went out, about 2 months ago, the computer would run for about an hr and shut off wouldnt turn back on, let it sit for about 5-10min and turn it back on and it would run for about 30min and shut back off, went to staples bought a $10 fan and has been running ever since
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yeah bullocks. I treid vaccuming all the dust out of it, didn't seem to help. Luckily my pops'in'law owned a computer shop and is a packrat, he may have one.


however, I've noticed my computer is slow as all hell at times, this also made me think Hot Proccessor.

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however, I've noticed my computer is slow as all hell at times, this also made me think Hot Proccessor.

If it's Pentium 4, that's still quite possible since they've got that thermal throttling diode in it. Tom's Hardware did an article a couple years back showing how a P3, P4, and Athlon reacted to losing their heat sinks. Of course, it could just as easily be Windows fscking up again.

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