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Inerested in buying a house...


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I'm not really particular about the area, just some place decent and fairly safe. I want a garage. In fact, the garage is probably the deciding factor for me. I'm not looking to spend a whole lot, maybe around $100k. I'm open to condos. I want a deck, or someplace I could build one. Two bedrooms or more is cool. I work downtown, and would like to keep the drive under 20 minutes. Anybody have any suggestions? Know of a neighbor selling a house?
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Do not finance for more than 15 years.




Also, if you want us to help to keep your drive under twenty minutes, I suggest you tell us your point of origin, and also your destination. It will help with all the minor details.

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Also, if you want us to help to keep your drive under twenty minutes, I suggest you tell us your point of origin, and also your destination. It will help with all the minor details.



I work downtown, and would like to keep the drive under 20 minutes.




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well, if you are open to condos I know a few people who sell for village communities and for today homes. I can get you a phone number if you want. I work for Trinity Homes but I don't have anything in the 100k range.
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Good luck trying to get anything around 100k that's NOT in the ghetto.


Have you tried the Hilltop area yet? :).


maybe you have not been on the hill lately but my parents old house was off burgess and its fucking hood

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Good luck trying to get anything around 100k that's NOT in the ghetto.


Have you tried the Hilltop area yet? :).



You can't be serious. Please, tell me you're not serious.


I've been looking at house in Hilliard, Grandview, Galloway, etc for around the $100k price range.


Condos in these areas for that price are pretty damned nice. The houses are okay.


I don't mind buying something that needs some work. I have A LOT of experience with plumbing, electrical, drywall, painting, etc. My dad was a general contractor most of my life, and owned his own painting company. I spent every summer working with him. I can handle it.


So back to the finding a place...

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Guest Mushijobah
Southeast side...Alum creek drive area....Mainly industrial (cheap, nice houses, nice lots, big garages hence blue-collar industrial). Columbus schools (not high taxes). Take 104 to highstreet or 70 to downtown in less than 20. Go take a look around Three Creeks Metro Park.
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There is a condo in my neighborhood, HUD home you could get for probably around $100,000. I can get you some information if you want. They normally sell from $125,000 to $160,000 depending on the model.
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Good luck trying to get anything around 100k that's NOT in the ghetto.


Have you tried the Hilltop area yet? :).


our house was 100k and its in a great place in Hilliard very safe area 2 car garage

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