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Wireless antenna's


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Anyone had any experience with putting on a bigger wirelss antenna on their setup? I just got a SMC wireless (my netgear died) for $5 from my boss. It works great. But I'm looking to extend the wireless range.





Found that online. Anyone know how much it'll extend the range? If not.. any other brands that are fairly cheap? :).

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I need one pretty bad, my signal cuts out a ton on my desktop.


That was sorta my reason for switching routers. Even though I have two hard wired PC's into the router. AIM would drop off every 15-20 minutes. Bypassed the router. Didn't do it. Got a new router :). My wireless laptop did the same thing.

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You can make your own omnidirectional wireless antennas for cheap. Ive been working on a directional one made from an old DirecTV dish. I hope to get it completed so I can find a nice high parking garage downtown and test it out ;)
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