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Transformers the movie

Guest 614Streets

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Guest 614Streets

Anybody know about this movie? I would think it has the potential to be a horrible movie but I read about some of the cars that will be in the movie.








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I think the japanese have done a better job with Transformers than the country where it was created, and I think the same would have held true for a live action movie. But I dont know, we will see. Lots of high profile on this project already.
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I think the japanese have done a better job with Transformers than the country where it was created, and I think the same would have held true for a live action movie. But I dont know, we will see. Lots of high profile on this project already.
I should :nutkick:you. The Japanese ruined TF.
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I dont know which of the Japanese ones you watched, but its definately not a comedy. Its an action drama. And if you watched one of the English dub ones, give me your address so I can drive there and backhand you.


Edit: I am just kidding, btw.

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I dont know which of the Japanese ones you watched, but its definately not a comedy. Its an CARTOON. And if you watched one of the English dub ones, give me your address so I can drive there and backhand you.




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the movie looks intresting for sure but hollywood already has there hads into it. Bumble bee will start out as a late 70s camaro and getts converted into the 07 concept. apparently optimus is a firetruck (so i have read) starscream with be a f22 raptor. I would really like to see the story just to see how far off its really going to be from what the cartoons were like.

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You all need some better links. The movie actually looks like it ought to be pretty decent considering the people they having working on it.




here is prime transforming http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1510830734555627704

That was nicely done. If that was fake that was a damn good one and maybe they should take a lesson from that person.

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