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Cr and others cookout


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I am having a cookout at my new place everyone I have meet on here is invited. I am thinking of this sunday(1st) at noon but am also looking at the following sunday due to peoples previos plans and that I know this (CR stuff) is not as important as family stuff. So I need peoples input on the date (but only if you want to attend) Also I should have a vollyball net up and my step brother will be doing some sort of card tourny.
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He stated in the post made 54 minutes before yours that "I will wait till anouther date in the future," as in not this weekend.


your post of "different date please!" indicates you are asking him to change the date of his cookout, as you are already having one.


If you where to intend this post as an open invite, perhaps "Since Scott is no longer having his cookout this weekend, anyone who is intrested may come down to my place in grovetucky on (pick day) as I will be having a cookout."

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