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tomorrow's cars


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Bro this is america, there will be law as to what water can be used (there will ba an additive) and you will have to pay for it.......


Quit raining on his optimistic parade! ;)


It would be great if that could seriously come to fruition. I've heard of many, many alternative fuel vehicles but will the good ones ever truly make it or be allowed too?

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Electrolisis is still gona take alot of electric. If they can set up some good mindmill farms without the tree huggers getting pissed off about some minced seagulls, or people whining about a blocked view, it has lots of potential.

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Electrolisis is still gona take alot of electric. If they can set up some good mindmill farms without the tree huggers getting pissed off about some minced seagulls, or people whining about a blocked view, it has lots of potential.

well per the video the car made more than enough electricity to power itself as well as Jeremy's house or his block (not sure how true that was).

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the price of the hydrogen is gonna be close to the same as gasoline, oil/hydrogen companies are going to charge you to extract the hydrogen through the sea water, were not just gonna be able to put sea water into our cars.


the benefit is gonna be a completely renewable resource and NO MORE DEPENDENCE on oil, a non-renewable resource. we'll still use oil/gasoline for another 50 years or so, by then i think we will be on all alternative fuels, and the oil company's and oil producing nations will then shift their focus to emerging 3rd world countries to sell their oil.


but i think the major players (i.e. North America, Europe and Japan) will have moved on by then.

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