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Any SV650 guys wanna help with a carb sync?


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I'm a noob to carbs and really can't afford for the bike to be down for a long period b/c my wifes SUV is going into the shop today. I haven't done a lot of research so I might be able to tackle this on my own but having someone there with experience is always nice.

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eh, I'm not good with them either (sorry man) but I know you should have some special tools like a nanometer and vac gauges to make sure they're done properly. You'd probably have better luck on SVrider.com or some other SV site, I only think there's one or two SV guys on this board that I know of.

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pleased to meet you MrBlunt. I cant help with carbs but have you been to svrider.com great for bike specific info.


for carbs this may help.


this PDF is too technical for me. but here you go.


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